n = length(FC); % Calculates the Number of consistant respondents(Nt)
x = sum(FC == mode(FC)); % Calculates the Number of respondents answered mode
p = 1/17; % Probability of selecting mode(Pi)
mu = n*p;
sigma = sqrt(n.*p.*(1 - p)); % Standerd deviation
if n<= 20
i = 0;
syms i
alfa = double(symsum((factorial(n)/(factorial(i)*factorial(n-i))*(p).^(i)*(1-p).^(n-i)), i, 0, x)); % 0 = constant, 2 = x
% beta1 = symsum((factorial(n)/(factorial(i)*factorial(n-i))*(1-1/17).^(i)*(1/17).^(n-i)), i, 0, n-x);
% power = 1-beta1;
elseif n>20
syms y
f = (-(y-mu)^2)/(2*sigma^2); % 5.05 is 2*sigma^2, & 2.7 = mu
fun = (1/(sigma*2.5))*(exp(f)); % 0.2516 = 1/(sigma*2.5), e = 2.71
a = -inf;
b = x; %x; % number of respondent selected mode
alfa = double(int(fun, a, b));
%%% ^ if I am using integral here, I am getting different answer. what mistake am I making conceptually.