pleas! what is wrong in this program?

6 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
lona johibary
lona johibary 2020 年 2 月 15 日
コメント済み: lona johibary 2020 年 2 月 16 日
sampleTime = 1/500000; % Sample time (s)
maxDopplerShift = 200; % Maximum Doppler shift of diffuse components (Hz)
delayVector = 1.0e-004 * [0 0.0400 0.0800 0.1200]; % Discrete delays of
% four-path channel (s)
gainVector = [0 -3 -6 -9]; % Average path gains (dB)
specDopplerShift = 100; % Doppler shift of specular component (Hz)
KFactor = 10; % Linear ratio of specular power to diffuse power
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1; % Store channel state information as signal is
ricChanObj = ricianchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, KFactor, ...
delayVector, gainVector, specDopplerShift);
ricChanObj.StoreHistory = 1; % Store channel state information as signal is
% processed for later visualization
phaseOff = pi/4;
modObj = modem.pskmod(4, phaseOff);
modObj.InputType = 'Bit';
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1);
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg);
filter(ricChanObj, modSignal);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'ir'); % View Impulse Response
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium'); % Set animation speed
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1); % Set animation start point
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close'); % Close Channel Visualization Tool
sampleTime = 1/20000; % 20 kb/s transmission
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
numFrames = 20;
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
rayChanObj.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0; % Retain channel states across
% multiple frames
for i = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering to the data
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr'); % Frequency response
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'gain');
delayVector = 0; % Single fading path with zero delay
gainVector = 0; % Average path gain of 1 (0 dB)
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close');
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
numFrames = 100;
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
rayChanObj.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0;
for i = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering to data
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr'); % Frequency response
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'phasor');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'slow');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'gain');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'doppler');
ricChanObj = ricianchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, KFactor, delayVector, ...
gainVector, specDopplerShift);
ricChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1);
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close');
ricFiltSig = filter(ricChanObj,modSignal);
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'Visualization', 'gain'); % Multipath components
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'Visualization', 'phasor');
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'Animation', 'slow');
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
delayVector = (0:3)*(4e-6);
gainVector = (0:3)*(-3);
maxDopplerShift = 5;
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'close');
h = scatterplot(0);
title('Received Signal After Rayleigh Fading');
xlabel('In-Phase Amplitude'); % Set axis labels
ylabel('Quadrature Amplitude');
xlim([-2 2]); % Set axis limits
ylim([-2 2]);
grid on;
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
rayChanObj.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0;
numFrames = 100;
bitsPerFrame = 200;
for n = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
rayFiltSig = filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering
set(get(get(h, 'Children'), 'Children'), 'XData', ...
real(rayFiltSig(6:end)), 'Ydata', imag(rayFiltSig(6:end)));
pause(0.05); % Pause between re-draws
drawnow; % Refresh the image
rayChanObj.InputSamplePeriod = 1/500000; % 500 kb/s transmission.
h = scatterplot(0); % Initialize scatter plot
title('Received Signal After Rayleigh Fading');
xlabel('In-Phase Amplitude'); % Set axis labels
ylabel('Quadrature Amplitude');
xlim([-2 2]); % Set axis limits
ylim([-2 2]);
grid on;
numFrames = 100;
bitsPerFrame = 200;
for n = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
rayFiltSig = filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering
set(get(get(h, 'Children'), 'Children'), 'XData', ...
real(rayFiltSig(6:end)), 'Ydata', imag(rayFiltSig(6:end)));
pause(0.05); % Pause between re-draws
drawnow; % Refresh the image
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
rayChanObj.MaxDopplerShift = 200;
numFrames = 13;
for i = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering to the data
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'irw');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'interframe');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'compgain');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'interframe');
'Position', [544 447 700 525]);
  4 件のコメント
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020 年 2 月 16 日
Please copy the entire error message — all the red text — and paste it to a Comment here.
lona johibary
lona johibary 2020 年 2 月 16 日
>> Untitled6
Warning: RAYLEIGHCHAN will be removed in a future release. Use COMM.RAYLEIGHCHANNEL instead. See this release note for more
> In rayleighchan (line 112)
In Untitled6 (line 8)
Warning: RICIANCHAN will be removed in a future release. Use COMM.RICIANCHANNEL instead. See this release note for more
> In ricianchan (line 76)
In Untitled6 (line 12)
Error using modem.pskmod (line 87)
MODEM.PSKMOD has been removed. See this release note for more information.
Error in Untitled6 (line 17)
modObj = modem.pskmod(4, phaseOff);



KALYAN ACHARJYA 2020 年 2 月 16 日
編集済み: KALYAN ACHARJYA 2020 年 2 月 16 日
sampleTime = 1/500000; % Sample time (s)
maxDopplerShift = 200; % Maximum Doppler shift of diffuse components (Hz)
delayVector=1.0e-004*[0 0.0400 0.0800 0.1200]; % Discrete delays of
% four-path channel (s)
gainVector = [0 -3 -6 -9]; % Average path gains (dB)
specDopplerShift = 100; % Doppler shift of specular component (Hz)
KFactor = 10; % Linear ratio of specular power to diffuse power
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1; % Store channel state information as signal is
ricChanObj = ricianchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, KFactor, ...
delayVector, gainVector, specDopplerShift);
ricChanObj.StoreHistory = 1; % Store channel state information as signal is
% processed for later visualization
phaseOff = pi/4;
modObj = modem.pskmod(4, round(phaseOff));
modObj.InputType = 'Bit';
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
msg = rand(bitsPerFrame,1);
modSignal = modulate(modObj, round(msg));
filter(ricChanObj, modSignal);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'ir'); % View Impulse Response
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium'); % Set animation speed
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1); % Set animation start point
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close'); % Close Channel Visualization Tool
sampleTime = 1/20000; % 20 kb/s transmission
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
numFrames = 20;
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
rayChanObj.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0; % Retain channel states across
% multiple frames
for i = 1:numFrames
msg = randi(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering to the data
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr'); % Frequency response
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'gain');
delayVector = 0; % Single fading path with zero delay
gainVector = 0; % Average path gain of 1 (0 dB)
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close');
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
numFrames = 100;
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
rayChanObj.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0;
for i = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering to data
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr'); % Frequency response
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'phasor');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'slow');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'gain');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'doppler');
ricChanObj = ricianchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, KFactor, delayVector, ...
gainVector, specDopplerShift);
ricChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1);
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'close');
ricFiltSig = filter(ricChanObj,modSignal);
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'Visualization', 'gain'); % Multipath components
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'Visualization', 'phasor');
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'Animation', 'slow');
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
delayVector = (0:3)*(4e-6);
gainVector = (0:3)*(-3);
maxDopplerShift = 5;
channel_vis(ricChanObj, 'close');
h = scatterplot(0);
title('Received Signal After Rayleigh Fading');
xlabel('In-Phase Amplitude'); % Set axis labels
ylabel('Quadrature Amplitude');
xlim([-2 2]); % Set axis limits
ylim([-2 2]);
grid on;
rayChanObj = rayleighchan(sampleTime, maxDopplerShift, delayVector,...
gainVector) ;
rayChanObj.StoreHistory = 1;
rayChanObj.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0;
numFrames = 100;
bitsPerFrame = 200;
for n = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
rayFiltSig = filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering
set(get(get(h, 'Children'), 'Children'), 'XData', ...
real(rayFiltSig(6:end)), 'Ydata', imag(rayFiltSig(6:end)));
pause(0.05); % Pause between re-draws
drawnow; % Refresh the image
rayChanObj.InputSamplePeriod = 1/500000; % 500 kb/s transmission.
h = scatterplot(0); % Initialize scatter plot
title('Received Signal After Rayleigh Fading');
xlabel('In-Phase Amplitude'); % Set axis labels
ylabel('Quadrature Amplitude');
xlim([-2 2]); % Set axis limits
ylim([-2 2]);
grid on;
numFrames = 100;
bitsPerFrame = 200;
for n = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
rayFiltSig = filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering
set(get(get(h, 'Children'), 'Children'), 'XData', ...
real(rayFiltSig(6:end)), 'Ydata', imag(rayFiltSig(6:end)));
pause(0.05); % Pause between re-draws
drawnow; % Refresh the image
bitsPerFrame = 1000;
rayChanObj.MaxDopplerShift = 200;
numFrames = 13;
for i = 1:numFrames
msg = randint(bitsPerFrame,1); % Create data
modSignal = modulate(modObj, msg); % Modulate data
filter(rayChanObj,modSignal); % Apply channel filtering to the data
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'irw');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'interframe');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'fr');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'medium');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'SampleIndex', 1);
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Visualization', 'compgain');
channel_vis(rayChanObj, 'Animation', 'interframe');
'Position', [544 447 700 525]);
If it is OK do the same for second error (simillar)
  1 件のコメント
lona johibary
lona johibary 2020 年 2 月 16 日
The error remains!
Warning: RAYLEIGHCHAN will be removed in a future release. Use COMM.RAYLEIGHCHANNEL instead. See this release note for more
> In rayleighchan (line 112)
In Untitled7 (line 8)
Warning: RICIANCHAN will be removed in a future release. Use COMM.RICIANCHANNEL instead. See this release note for more
> In ricianchan (line 76)
In Untitled7 (line 12)
Error using modem.pskmod (line 87)
MODEM.PSKMOD has been removed. See this release note for more information.
Error in Untitled7 (line 17)
modObj = modem.pskmod(4, round(phaseOff));
>> Untitled7
Warning: RAYLEIGHCHAN will be removed in a future release. Use COMM.RAYLEIGHCHANNEL instead. See this release note for
more information.
> In rayleighchan (line 112)
In Untitled7 (line 8)
Warning: RICIANCHAN will be removed in a future release. Use COMM.RICIANCHANNEL instead. See this release note for more
> In ricianchan (line 76)
In Untitled7 (line 12)
Error using modem.pskmod (line 87)
MODEM.PSKMOD has been removed. See this release note for more information.
Error in Untitled7 (line 17)
modObj = modem.pskmod(4, round(phaseOff));


その他の回答 (0 件)


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