how to solve this equation of motion?
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I appreciate if anyone can help me to underestand if I can solve this EOM like a normal 2DOF system which I use ODE45 for it.
Here is the paper:


function yp = func_forced_5DOF(t,y,M,ws,m1,m2,r,kx,ky,ksi,fx,fy,fsi,fd1,fd2,J,j1,j2,L1,L2)
a0 = (1 - ((ws^2)*Ts*Tr*Sig)^2) + ((ws^2)*((Tr + Ts)^2));
a1 = (2*(1 - ((ws^2)*Ts*Tr*Sig))*ws*Ts*Tr*Sig) - (2*(ws*((Tr + Ts)*Tr)));
a2 = Tr^2 + ((ws^2) * (Ts^2) * (Tr^2) *(Sig^2));
Te1 = (K*(ws-y(9))) / ((a2*(y(9)^2))+(a1*y(9))+a0);
Te2 = (K*(ws-y(10))) / ((a2*(y(10)^2))+(a1*y(10))+a0);
yp(1,:) = y(6,:);
yp(2,:) = y(7,:);
yp(3,:) = y(8,:);
yp(4,:) = y(9,:);
yp(5,:) = y(10,:);
yp(6,:) = ((m1*r*( ((y(9,:)^2) * cos(y(4,:))) + (yp(9,:)*sin(y(4,:))) )) - ( m2*r( ((y(10,:)^2) * cos(y(5,:))) + (yp(10,:)*sin(y(5,:))) )) - (fx*y(6,:)) - (kx*y(1,:))) / M;
yp(7,:) = ((m1*r*( ((y(9,:)^2) * sin(y(4,:))) - (yp(9,:)*cos(y(4,:))) )) + ( m2*r( ((y(10,:)^2) * sin(y(5,:))) - (yp(10,:)*cos(y(5,:))) )) - (fy*y(7,:)) - (ky*y(2,:))) / M;
yp(8,:) = ((-1*m1*r*L1*( ((y(9,:)^2) * sin(y(4,:))) - (yp(9,:)*cos(y(4,:))) )) + ( m2*r*L2*( ((y(10,:)^2) * sin(y(5,:))) - (yp(10,:)*cos(y(5,:))) )) - (fsi*y(8,:)) - (ksi*y(3,:))) / J;
yp(9,:) = (Te1 - (m1*r*( ( yp(7,:) * cos(y(4,:))) - (yp(6,:)*sin(y(4,:)) ))) - ( L1*( (yp(8,:) * cos(y(4,:))))) - (fd1*y(9,:)) ) / j1;
yp(10,:) = (Te2 - (m2*r*( ( yp(7,:) * cos(y(5,:))) - (yp(6,:)*sin(y(5,:)) ))) + ( L2*( (yp(8,:) * cos(y(5,:))))) - (fd2*y(10,:)) ) / j2;
0 件のコメント
回答 (1 件)
2020 年 1 月 21 日
Here is an idea:
function main
% define constants
m1 = ...
m2 = ...
function dy = myode(t,u)
x = u(1);
dx = u(2);
%% ...
phi2 = u(9);
dphi2 = u(10);
% coefficient matrix
% d2x d2y d2psi d2phi1 d2phi2
A = [M 0 0 -m1*r*sin(phi1) m2*r*sin(phi2)
0 M 0 m1*r*cos(phi1) m2*r*cos(phi2)
0 0 J m1*r*L1*cos(phi1) ...
% ...
% constant matrix
B = [-fx*dx - kx*x + m1*r*dphi1^2*cos(phi1) - m2*r*dphi2^2*cos(phi2)
dy(1:5,1) = u(2:2:10); % velocities
dy(6:10,1) = A\B; % accelerations
6 件のコメント
2020 年 1 月 23 日
Those values are something like M or kx. You can't guess them
Imagine you have something like that:

You want to see what will hapen if you loose green ball.
What will be the initial conditions (Velocity and angle)? Depends on what you want
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