I wanted to iterate this piece of code for 10 seconds.
7 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
disp('Opening an inlet...');
inlet = lsl_inlet(stream_result{1});
[vec,ts] = inlet.pull_sample();
start = ts;
fNIRS_record = [];
flag = 0;
while ts - start < 1 %one second data which is ~8 frames
[vec,ts] = inlet.pull_sample();
fNIRS_record = [fNIRS_record;vec];
flag = flag + 1;
if(flag == size(fNIRS_record,1))
%Real time channel exclusion based on threshCV
RT_HbO = fNIRS_record( :,2:2:end);%getting only HbO values at real time
%using getCV() eliminate bad channels.
RT_vertcat = mean(RT_HbO,2);%avg of all 20 channels.
RT_vertcat = array2table(RT_vertcat);
realtime_stats_HbO = groupsummary(RT_vertcat,{}, {'mean', @slope_HbO, @(v) var(v, 1), @(pk) max(pk), @(sk) skewness(sk), @(kurt) kurtosis(kurt)});
clear flag;clear RT_HbO;clear RT_vertcat;
label = trainedModel.predictFcn(realtime_stats_HbO); %<--------------It has predict and print the label and clear everything and run the loop again for desired time period which is 10 seconds.
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回答 (1 件)
Walter Roberson
2019 年 10 月 24 日
while toc < 10
Timing is unlikely to be exact.
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