read multiple csv files from different subfolders
28 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have a folder, "Raw data", which contains subfolders for subjects 005 - 016. In each subfolder, I want to choose a subsubfolder, "A". In "A" folder, there are 23 .csv files. How can I read them as individual file (without merging them) at once, maybe using a loop function of other methods?
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回答 (3 件)
Four Eyes
2023 年 10 月 13 日
編集済み: Four Eyes
2023 年 10 月 13 日
This might be coming in too late. But I recently ran accross a similar problem and here is what that worked for me. Hopefully it is useful to someone!
Suppose you have Fodler 1 stored somewhere like C:\Users\username...\Folder1\....
And You have multiple subfolders like this:
C:\Users\username...\Folder1\Subfolder1\Random_name1.csv; C:\Users\username...\Folder1\Subfolder1\Random_name2.csv;
C:\Users\username...\Folder1\Subfolder2\Random_name3.csv; C:\Users\username...\Folder1\Subfolder2\Random_name4.csv;
and so on
%To read all the file names, do this:
location = C:\Users\username...\Folder1\**\;
files= dir([location '*.csv'])
%To read the data and store in a matrx, do this:
for ii = 1:length(files)
data(:,:,ii) = readmatrix([files(ii).folder '\' files(ii).name]);
1 件のコメント
Image Analyst
2023 年 10 月 13 日
That's similar to what's in the FAQ:
% To read all the file names, do this:
location = "C:\Users\username...\Folder1\**\";
filePattern = fullfile(location, "*.csv")
files = dir(filePattern)
% To read the data and store in a 3-D array, do this:
% (NOTE: all data must be the same size 2-D matrix).
for ii = 1 : length(files)
fullFileName = fullfile(files(ii).folder, files(ii).name);
fprintf('Processing %d of %d : "%s".\n' ii, numel(files), fullFileName)
data(:,:,ii) = readmatrix(fullFileName);
prasanth s
2019 年 10 月 17 日
編集済み: prasanth s
2022 年 12 月 14 日
Use 'dir' function to get the directory and file list of any folder. e.g
D=dir('Raw data');
output 'D' is an structure array contains all foldernames.
use following code to get all csv filenames
get the filenames from 'A' and
use 'csvread' function to read each csv files
0 件のコメント
Image Analyst
2022 年 12 月 14 日
Try this:
% Specify top level folder and file pattern.
topLevelFolder = pwd; % Or whatever you want.
filePattern = fullfile(topLevelFolder, '*.csv')
% Get a list of all files in that folder and within its subfolders.
ds = fileDatastore(filePattern, 'ReadFcn', @readmatrix)
allFileNames = ds.Files
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