
Coupled Ion exchange - Electrodialysis model using ode15s

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Zain Shabeeb
Zain Shabeeb 2019 年 7 月 11 日
I have tried to model a system of coupled ion exchange - electrodialysis on MATLAB. The first screenshot shows the model equations. The second screenshot shows the rearranged equations that I used in MATLAB. For coding the system, I have discretized it in the x and z directions. I have given my data file, function file, and error message below. I realize that this has to do with a singular matrix. I am not very experienced in MATLAB and cannot find a solution to this problem. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Data file:
%% Defining constants
W = 0.5; %Width of column
L = 1; %Length of column
a = 2; %Surface area to volume ratio
delta = 0.1; %Film thickness
D = 3*10^-3; %Film diffusion coefficient
v = 0.1; %Velocity of fluid
epsilon = 0.4; %Bed porosity
K = 0.2; %Equilibrium constant between solid phase and interface
u = 0.1; %Mobility
Itot = 4; %Total current
F = 96485.3329; %Faraday constant
cHstar = 2*10^-1; %Interfacial concentration of counter ion (hydrogen)
qH = 2*10^-1; %Solid phase concentration of counter ion (hydrogen)
cFeed = 0.0001; %Feed concentration
%% Initializing Vectors for Independent variables
t0 = 0; %Initial time
tf = 10; %Final time
dt = 0.01; %Time step
t = [0:dt:tf]; %Time vector
z = [0:0.1:L]; %Mesh generation for z direction
x = [0:0.1:W]; %Mesh generation for x direction
n = numel(z); %Number of elements in z
m = numel(x); %Number of elements in x
%% Initialization of Dependent variables
c0 = zeros(n,1) ; %Initial bulk concentration vector
c0(1) = cFeed; %Initial bulk concentration at z = 0
q0 = zeros(n,m); %Initial solid phase concentration matrix. Dependent on x and z directions.
phi0 = zeros(n,m); %Initial electric potential matrix. Dependent on x and z directions.
J0 = zeros(n,m); %Initial Solid phase flux matrix. Dependent on x and z directions.
y0 = [c0;reshape(q0,n*m,1)]; %Initial y vector appending together c0 and q0
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)EDIfun2(t,y,z,x,n,m,W,L,a,delta,D,v,epsilon,K,u,Itot,F,cHstar,qH,cFeed),t,y0);
Function file:
function DyDt=EDIfun2(t,y,z,x,n,m,W,L,a,delta,D,v,epsilon,K,u,Itot,F,cHstar,qH,cFeed);
%% Variables being allocated zero vectors
c = zeros(n,1); %Bulk concentration vector
q = zeros(n,m); %Solid phase concentration matrix. Dependent on x and z directions.
phi = zeros(n,m); %Potential matrix. Dependent on x and z directions.
J = zeros(n,m); %Solid phase flux matrix. Dependent on x and z directions.
cstar = zeros(n,m); %Cstar variable representing
DcDt = zeros(n,1); %Time differential vector of bulk concentration
DqDt = zeros(n,m); %Time differential matrix of solid phase concentration. Dependent on x and z directions.
DyDt = zeros(n+n*m,1); %Time differential vector of concatenated c and q
%% Discretizing in x and z directions
DcDz = zeros(n,1); %Initial vector for bulk concentration change with z direction
DqDx = zeros(n,m); %Initial matrix for solid phase concentration change in x and z directions
DJDx = zeros(n,m); %Initializing matrix for solid phase flux change in x and z directions
DphiDx = zeros(n,m); %Initializing matrix for potential gradient change in x and z directions
c = y(1:n); %Initial vector for bulk concentration allocated to y vector
q = reshape(y(n+1:n+n*m),n,m); %Initial vector for solid phase concetration allocated to y vector
DcDz(1) = 0; %Initial bulk concentration differential
DqDx(1,1) = 0; %Initial solid phase concentration differential
J(1,1) = 0; %Initial solid phase flux
DphiDx(1,1) = 0; %Initial potential gradient
for i = 2:n-1
for j = 2:m-1
DcDz(i) = (c(i)-c(i-1))/(z(i)-z(i-1)); %Discretization of bulk concentration with z direction
DqDx(i,j) = (q(i,j)-q(i,j-1))/(x(j)-x(j-1)); %Discretization of solid phase concentration with x and z direction
DphiDx(i,j) = Itot/(F*(1-epsilon)*W*L*u*q(i,j)); %Equation for DphiDx
J(i,j) = u*q(i,j)*DphiDx(i,j); %Equation for solid phase flux
DJDx(i,j) = (J(i,j)-J(i,j-1))/(x(j)-x(j-1)); %Discretization of solid phase flux with x and z direction
cstar(i,j) = (q(i,j)*cHstar)/(K*qH); %Equation for cstar
DcDz(n) = 0; %Final bulk concentration differential
DqDx(n,m) = 0; %Final solid phase concentration differential
DJDx(n,m) = 0; %Final solid phase flux
DphiDx(n,m) = 0; %Final potential gradient
%% Differential equation with time
DcDt(1) = 1; %Initial bulk concentration differential with time
DqDt(1,1) = 1; %Initial solid phase concentration differential with time
for i = 2:n
for j = 2:m
DcDt(i) = -v*DcDz(i) + (((1-epsilon)/epsilon)*(DqDt(i,j) + DJDx(i,j)));
DqDt(i,j) = a*D*(q(i,j)-(cstar(i,j))) - DJDx(i,j);
DyDt = [DcDt;reshape(DqDt,n*m,1)];
Warning: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN.
> In ode15s (line 589)
In EDIdatafile2 (line 38)
Warning: Failure at t=0.000000e+00. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value
allowed (7.905050e-323) at time t.
> In ode15s (line 668)
In EDIdatafile2 (line 38)

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