Exporting a Structure into a .xls File

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Kaan Uçar
Kaan Uçar 2019 年 5 月 9 日
コメント済み: Hans123 2019 年 5 月 9 日
I have a problem which asks me to export a structure data into an .xls file. Here's the structure I created:
isimler = char('Aluminum','Copper','Iron','Molybdenum','Cobalt','Vanadium');
semboller = char('Al','Cu','Fe','Mo','Co','V');
atomic_sayi = [13,29,26,42,27,23]';
atomic_agirlik = [26.98,63.55,55.85,95.94,58.93,50.94]';
yogunluk = [2.71,8.94,7.87,10.22,8.9,6.0]';
kristal_yapisi = char('FCC','FCC','BCC','BCC','HCP','BCC');
structure.Metal = isimler;
structure.Sembol = semboller;
structure.AtomicSayi = atomic_sayi;
structure.Yogunluk = yogunluk;
structure.KristalYapisi = kristal_yapisi;
When I use the "xlswrite" function it tells me that array must be a numerical, cell data..... I converted the structure into a cell file with the struct2cell command. However, this time when use the xlswrite function on the excel file, numerical data looks empty. Can you help me with that one?
  1 件のコメント
Hans123 2019 年 5 月 9 日


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