Is it possible to disable axes' edges

20 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Matthew 2012 年 7 月 17 日
回答済み: Yuri Janson 2023 年 6 月 9 日
Im working with handles to create a GUI that will be using several different axes. Can the edges of the axes be removed? I've been searching through the axes properties and I havent seen anything. Can someone please help!
Thanks in advance, Matt


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2012 年 7 月 17 日
So something like:
axes('box','off','xtick',[],'ytick',[],'ztick',[],'xcolor',[1 1 1],'ycolor',[1 1 1]);
line([0 1],[0 1])
  2 件のコメント
Jan 2012 年 7 月 17 日
Exactly: You set the color of the axes lines to either the background color of the axes or of the figure:
figH = figure;
bg = get(figH, 'Color');
axes('xcolor', bg, 'ycolor', bg);
To remove the ticks also, see Sean's code.
Matthew 2012 年 7 月 18 日
編集済み: Matthew 2012 年 7 月 18 日
Worked like a charm, thanks Sean!


その他の回答 (4 件)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012 年 7 月 17 日
The only way to remove the edge of the axes is to set the axes visibility to be off. That will also make the tick marks invisible, along with any grid lines.
  3 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012 年 7 月 18 日
{on} | off
Visibility of axes. By default, axes are visible. Setting this property to off prevents axis lines, tick marks, and labels from being displayed. The Visible property does not affect children of axes.
Sounds to me exactly what you are looking for.
Matthew 2012 年 7 月 19 日
I thought visable would be like setting alpha equal to 0. However, I was wrong. This worked much easier, its just one property setting to modify.
Thanks Walter!


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012 年 7 月 18 日
Matthew, If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, go to File->Preferences->Image Processing->IMSHOW Display and uncheck the "Axes visible" box. That will eliminate any black line around the edge of your images if you use imshow() to display your image.
  1 件のコメント
Deependra Mishra
Deependra Mishra 2020 年 1 月 10 日
Is there anyway this can be unchecked programmatically?


Christopher Bitikofer
Christopher Bitikofer 2022 年 8 月 11 日
This took me too long to figure out. The axes are objects with lots of fun properties including visibility
ax.XAxis.Visible = 'off';

Yuri Janson
Yuri Janson 2023 年 6 月 9 日
If you do not want the axes themselves to show, but do want the axis label and/or tick labels to show, then you can do the following:
ax = gca;
% Set color of X and Y axes to background color (white)
set(ax,'XColor',[1 1 1])
set(ax,'YColor',[1 1 1])
% Set color of axis labels back to standard color
set(ax.XLabel,'Color',[0.15 0.15 0.15])
set(ax.YLabel,'Color',[0.15 0.15 0.15])
% Set color of tick labels back to standard color
set(ax.XAxis,'TickLabelColor',[0.15 0.15 0.15])
set(ax.YAxis,'TickLabelColor',[0.15 0.15 0.15])


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