How to make this be a loop?
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Hi, I want to make the function deal with a lot of images,
but I got errors when trying to add the loop.
The original one is:
imx = 'Images\20\IMG_4596.JPG',
Noisex = NoiseExtractFromImage(imx,2);
Noisex = WienerInDFT(Noisex,std2(Noisex));
% The optimal detector (see publication "Large Scale Test of Sensor Fingerprint Camera Identification")
Ix = double(rgb2gray(imread(imx)));
C = crosscorr(Noisex,Ix.*Fingerprint);
detection = PCE(C)
And I add a loop like this
file_path = 'Images\20\';
img_path_list = dir(strcat(file_path,'*.jpg'));
img_num = length(img_path_list);
if img_num > 0
for j = 1:img_num
image_name = img_path_list(j).name;
I = imread(strcat(file_path,image_name));
fprintf('%d %d %s\n',j,img_num,strcat(file_path,image_name));
imx(j).name = strcat(file_path,image_name);
Noisex{j} = NoiseExtractFromImage(imx(j).name,2);
Noisex(j) = WienerInDFT(Noisex(j),std2(Noisex(j)));
% The optimal detector (see publication "Large Scale Test of Sensor Fingerprint Camera Identification")
Ix(j) = double(rgb2gray(imread(imx(j).name)));
C(j) = crosscorr(Noisex(j),Ix(j).*Fingerprint);
detection(j) = PCE(C(j))
But I get an error :
Unable to perform assignment because brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in Example (line 39)
Noisex{j} = NoiseExtractFromImage(imx(j).name,2);
Does anyone know how to make it right?
I'm new to matlab,
Thank you so much!
1 件のコメント
回答 (1 件)
2018 年 11 月 29 日
Start with simplifying your code:
file_path = 'Images\20\';
img_path_list = dir(fullfile(file_path,'*.jpg')); % Safer than STRCAT
img_num = length(img_path_list);
for j = 1:img_num
image_name = img_path_list(j).name;
image_file = fullfile(file_path,image_name);
I = imread(image_file);
fprintf('%d %d %s\n', j, img_num, image_file);
Noisex{j} = NoiseExtractFromImage(image_file, 2);
Noisex(j) = WienerInDFT(Noisex(j), std2(Noisex(j)));
% The optimal detector (see publication "Large Scale Test of Sensor Fingerprint Camera Identification")
Ix(j) = double(rgb2gray(I));
C(j) = crosscorr(Noisex(j),Ix(j) .* Fingerprint);
detection(j) = PCE(C(j))
Now this looks strange:
Noisex{j} = NoiseExtractFromImage(image_file, 2);
Noisex(j) = WienerInDFT(Noisex(j), std2(Noisex(j)));
You use curly and round parentheses for the same variable. NoiseExtractFromImage and WienerInDFT do not belong to Matlab's toolbox functions, so I cannot guess, what the outputs are. Please check this.
double(rgb2gray(I)) replies a matrix. Then assignign the output to the scalar Ix(j) should fail. Do you want a cell array? Then use curly braces: Ix{j} .
Prefer to pre-allocate the results before the loop. This is more efficient and the types of the variables are well defined.
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