Do you think I can reverse the process for reshape and build a video file again?

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Jaykumar Soni
Jaykumar Soni 2018 年 11 月 20 日
I am compeletly new to programming and MATLAB.I working on a project which is kind of compulsary.But now I am stuck at one place and don'tknow how to solve.
The main code I am using is
clc; clear; close all;
% Set the video information
videoSequence = 'bus_cif.yuv';
width = 352;
height = 288;
nFrame = 150;
secimage = 'Data/secret.png'; % Secret image path
x = 0.1;
% Read the video sequence
[Y,U,V] = yuvRead(videoSequence, width, height ,nFrame);
%% Frame by Frame Embedding
display('Begin Embedding...')
secret = imread(secimage);
% convert image into binary (0.1 is a predetermined threshold...)
S = im2bw(secret,0.1);
[wmh,wmw] = size(S);
yImage1 = uint8(zeros(height, width, nFrame));
uImage1 = uint8(zeros(height/2, width/2, nFrame));
vImage1 = uint8(zeros(height/2, width/2, nFrame));
% Y component of the frame
for iFrame = 1:nFrame
yImage1(:,:,iFrame) = dwt_embedd(Y(:,:,iFrame),S,x);
%wMark(1:nFrame) = struct('cdata',zeros(wmh,wmw,1,'uint8'),'colormap',[]);
%for iFrame = 1:nFrame
% wMark(iFrame).cdata = dwt_extract(Y_out(:,:,iFrame),Y(:,:,iFrame),x,[wmh wmw]);
% Only the Y frame of the YUV image is considered. Specific method is not
% defined on the paper. Using the provided algorithm..
I want write all the three components back to 'yuv' video file.
The function, I used to read the YUV components is
function [y, u, v] = yuvRead(vid, width, height, nFrame)
fid = fopen(vid,'r'); % Open the video file
stream = fread(fid,'*uchar'); % Read the video file
length = 1.5 * width * height; % Length of a single frame
y = uint8(zeros(height, width, nFrame));
u = uint8(zeros(height/2, width/2, nFrame));
v = uint8(zeros(height/2, width/2, nFrame));
for iFrame = 1:nFrame
frame = stream((iFrame-1)*length+1:iFrame*length);
% Y component of the frame
yImage = reshape(frame(1:width*height), width, height)';
% U component of the frame
uImage = reshape(frame(width*height+1:1.25*width*height), width/2, height/2)';
% V component of the frame
vImage = reshape(frame(1.25*width*height+1:1.5*width*height), width/2, height/2)';
y(:,:,iFrame) = uint8(yImage);
u(:,:,iFrame) = uint8(uImage);
v(:,:,iFrame) = uint8(vImage);
Do you think I can reverse the loop and make video file again??

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