What are the variables for STL file conversion

5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Madlab 2018 年 9 月 12 日
コメント済み: Madlab 2018 年 9 月 14 日
What are the X, Y, Z variables to use SURF2STL function? I do not have any of such variables. My goal is to create a stl file so that the model can be 3D printed. I have successfully drawn the model using surf function, but I can’t convert this to STL file.
Original file is a tiff file.
inFile = '/filepath/s04_e037_1arc_v3.tif';
% Creating figure
figure1 = figure
% Reading the tiff file
% Changing Z from int16 to double
Zedited = cast(Z, 'double');
% Limit lat and long for area
% Construct map axes for region
worldmap(LATLIM, LONLIM)
% Renaming title
title('Figure mountain','FontSize',18);
% Locating the values <= 0 for Zedited
ridzero = find(Zedited<=0);
% Changing the values of 0 to NaN in the vector
Znew([ridzero]) = NaN;
% Displaying map data
geoshow(Znew, R, 'DisplayType', 'surface');
% Color the map based on the terrain elevation data, Znew.
% 888 is the number of colours used to colour from min to max elevation.
demcmap(Znew, 888);
% Resizing plot
set(gcf, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize'));
% I want to create model! Create new figure for surface file
figure2 = figure
% More defined 3D surface to convert to STL/OBJ format for 3D printing!
% I do not know the X Y Z variables to convert to STL file type...
% surf2stl('modelsurf.stl',Znew,R,R)


KSSV 2018 年 9 月 12 日
編集済み: KSSV 2018 年 9 月 12 日
[nx,ny] = size(Znew) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:ny,1:nx) ;
Z = Znew ;
Now you have X,Y,Z..you can write them into .stl file.
  1 件のコメント
Madlab 2018 年 9 月 14 日
Thank you KSSV. I managed to create my STL file using the variables you suggested.


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