
Using R^2 results to optimize number of neurons in hidden layer

11 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
KAE 2018 年 9 月 4 日
コメント済み: KAE 2018 年 9 月 26 日
I am trying to find the optimal number of neurons in a hidden layer following Greg Heath's method of looping over the candidate number of neurons, with an several trials per number of neurons. The resulting R-squared statistic is plotted below. I would like some help in using the R-squared results to pick the optimal number of neurons. Is this right:
  • 23 neurons is a good choice, since all the trials exceed the desired threshold of R-squared > 0.995. To make a prediction, I could pick any of the 10 trial nets that were generated with 23 neurons.
  • 15 neurons is a bad choice because sometimes the threshold is not met
  • More than 23 neurons is a bad choice because the network will be slower to run
  • More than 33 neurons is a very bad choice due to overfitting (the code below limits the number of neurons to avoid overfitting).
  • To save time, I could stop my loop after say 28 neurons, since by then I would have had 5 instances (23-28 neurons) in which all 10 trials resulted in R-squared values above my threshold.
Here is the code, based on Greg's examples with comments for learning.
%%Get data
[x, t] = engine_dataset; % Existing dataset
% Described here, https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ug/choose-a-multilayer-neural-network-training-function.html#bss4gz0-26
[ I N ] = size(x); % Size of network inputs, nVar x nExamples
[ O N ] = size(t); % Size of network targets, nVar x nExamples
fractionTrain = 75/100; % How much of data will go to training
fractionValid = 15/100; % How much of data will go to validation
fractionTest = 15/100; % How much of data will go to testing
Ntrn = N - round(fractionTest*N + fractionValid*N); % Number of training examples
Ntrneq = Ntrn*O; % Number of training equations
% MSE for a naïve constant output model that always outputs average of target data
MSE00 = mean(var(t',1));
%%Find a good value for number of neurons H in hidden layer
Hmin = 0; % Lowest number of neurons H to consider (a linear model)
% To avoid overfitting with too many neurons, require that Ntrneq > Nw==> H <= Hub (upper bound)
Hub = -1+ceil( (Ntrneq-O) / ( I+O+1) ); % Upper bound for Ntrneq >= Nw
Hmax = floor(Hub/10); % Stay well below the upper bound by dividing by 10
dH = 1;
% Number of random initial weight trials for each candidate h
Ntrials = 10;
% Randomize data division and initial weights
% Choose a repeatable initial random number seed
% so that you can reproduce any individual design
j=0; % Loop counter for number of neurons in hidden layer
for h=Hmin:dH:Hmax % Number of neurons in hidden layer
j = j+1;
if h == 0 % Linear model
net = fitnet([]); % Fits a linear model
Nw = (I+1)*O; % Number of unknown weights
else % Nonlinear neural network model
net = fitnet(h); % Fits a network with h nodes
Nw = (I+1)*h + (h+1)*O; % Number of unknown weights
%%Divide up data into training, validation, testing sets
% Data presented to network during training. Network is adjusted according to its error.
net.divideParam.trainRatio = fractionTrain;
% Data used to measure network generalization, and to halt training when generalization stops improving
net.divideParam.valRatio = fractionValid;
% Data used as independent measure of network performance during and after training
net.divideParam.testRatio = fractionTest;
%%Loop through several trials for each candidate number of neurons
% to increase statistical reliability of results
for i=1:Ntrials
% Configure network inputs and outputs to best match input and target data
net = configure(net, x, t);
% Train network
[net, tr, y, e] = train(net,x,t); % Error e is target - output
% R-squared for normalized MSE. Fraction of target variance modeled by net
R2(i, j) = 1 - mse(e)/MSE00;
%%Plot R-squared
% Grid data in preparation for plotting
[nNeuronMat, trialMat] = meshgrid(Hmin:dH:Hmax, 1:Ntrials);
% Color of dot indicates the R-squared value
h1 = scatter(nNeuronMat(:), trialMat(:), 20, R2(:), 'filled');
hold on;
% Design is successful if it can account for 99.5% of mean target variance
iGood = R2 > 0.995;
% Circle the successful values
h2 = plot(nNeuronMat(iGood), trialMat(iGood), 'ko', 'markersize', 10);
xlabel('# Neurons'); ylabel('Trial #');
h3 = colorbar;
title({'Fraction of target variance that is modeled by net', ...
'Circled if it exceeds 99.5%'});
  3 件のコメント
KAE 2018 年 9 月 25 日
編集済み: KAE 2018 年 9 月 25 日
You say you typically run through a reasonable value, here H=34, before seeking to minimize H. What do the 'reasonable value' results tell you? Maybe a good choice of a R-square threshold to use later in the H minimization, so for your example we might require the smallest H with Rsq>= 0.9975?
Below for other learners is Greg's code with comments added, as I figured out what it was doing.
%%Load data
[x,t] = engine_dataset;
% Data description, https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ug/choose-a-multilayer-neural-network-training-function.html#bss4gz0-26
help engine_dataset % Learn about dataset
[I N ] = size(x) % [2 1199] Size of network inputs, nVar x nExamples
% Inputs are engine speed and fuel rate
[O N ] = size(t) % [2 1199] Size of network targets, nVar x nExamples
% Ouputs are torque and emission levels
% Separate out inputs and outputs for later plotting
x1 = x(1,:); x2 = x(2,:);
t1 = t(1,:); t2 = t(2,:);
%%Mean square error for later normalization
vart1 = var(t',1) % 1e5*[3.0079 2.1709]
% MSE for a naïve constant output model that always outputs average of target data
MSEref = mean(vart1) % 2.5894e+05
%%Look for obvious relations between inputs and outputs
subplot(2,2,1), plot(x1,t1,'.') % Looks linear
title('Torque vs. Engine Speed'); xlabel('Input 1'); ylabel('Target 1');
subplot(2,2,2), plot(x1,t2,'.') % Looks like a cubic
title('Nitrous Oxide Emission vs. Engine Speed'); xlabel('Input 1'); ylabel('Target 2');
subplot(2,2,3), plot(x2,t1,'.') % On/off behavior, maybe cubic
title('Torque vs. Fuel Rate'); xlabel('Input 2'); ylabel('Target 1');
subplot(2,2,4), plot(x2,t2,'.') % On/off behavior
title('Nitrous Oxide Emission vs. Fuel Rate'); xlabel('Input 2'); ylabel('Target 2');
Ntrn = N-round(0.3*N) % 839 Number of training examples
Ntrneq = Ntrn*O % 1678 Number of training equations
% Nw = (I+1)*H+(H+1)*O
% Ntrneq >= Nw ==> H <= Hmax <= Hub
Hub = floor((Ntrneq-O)/(I+O+1)) % 335 Upper bound for Ntrneq >= Nw
H = round(Hub/10) % 34 Stay well below the upper bound by dividing by 10
net = fitnet(H); % Fit a network with h nodes
[net tr y e ] = train(net,x,t); % Train network
NMSE = mse(e)/MSEref % 0.0025 normalized MSE
Rsq = 1-NMSE % 0.9975 R-squared. Fraction of target variance modeled by net
Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2018 年 9 月 26 日
KAE: You say you typically run through a reasonable
value, here H=34, before seeking to minimize H.
What do the 'reasonable value' results tell you?
Maybe a good choice of a R-square threshold to use
later in the H minimization, so for your example we
might require the smallest H with Rsq>= 0.9975?
My training goal for all of the MATLAB examples has
always been the more realistic
NMSE = mse(t-y)/mean(var(t',1)) <= 0.01
or , equivalently
Rsq = 1- NMSE >= 0.99
That is not to say better values can not be acheived.
Just that this is a more reasonable way to begin
before trying to optimize the final result.
%Using the command
>> help nndatasets
% yields
simplefit_dataset - Simple fitting dataset.
abalone_dataset - Abalone shell rings dataset.
bodyfat_dataset - Body fat percentage dataset.
building_dataset - Building energy dataset.
chemical_dataset - Chemical sensor dataset.
cho_dataset - Cholesterol dataset.
engine_dataset - Engine behavior dataset.
vinyl_dataset - Vinyl bromide dataset.
% then
>> SIZE1 = size(simplefit_dataset)
SIZE2 = size(abalone_dataset)
SIZE3 = size(bodyfat_dataset)
SIZE4 = size(building_dataset)
SIZE5 = size(chemical_dataset)
SIZE6 = size(cho_dataset)
SIZE7 = size(engine_dataset)
SIZE8 = size(vinyl_dataset)
% yields
SIZE1 = 1 94
SIZE2 = 8 4177
SIZE3 = 13 252
SIZE4 = 14 4208
SIZE5 = 8 498
SIZE6 = 21 264
SIZE7 = 2 1199
SIZE8 = 16 68308
% Therefore, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, most of my MATLAB tutorial-type investigations are restricted to N < 500 (i.e., simplefit, bodyfat, chemical and cho)
Hope this helps.



Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2018 年 9 月 23 日
The answer is H = 12. H >= 13 is overfitting.
If that makes you queasy, average the output of the H=12 net with the 2 with H = 13.
NOTE: Overfitting is not "THE" problem. "THE PROBLEM" is:
Hope this helps.
*Thank you for formally accepting my answer*
  3 件のコメント
Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2018 年 9 月 26 日
編集済み: Greg Heath 2018 年 9 月 26 日
1. H <= Hub PREVENTS OVERFITTING, i.e. having more unknown weights than training equations.
2. min(H) subject to R2 > 0.99 STABILIZES THE SOLUTION by REDUCING the uncertainty in weight estimates.
Hope this helps.
KAE 2018 年 9 月 26 日
Thanks for the education!


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