Unable to reproduce a working code for threepointbvp
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi everyone,
I am struggling to reproduce a working threepointbvp code. Please see attached or below. What am I doing wrong?
The working code is:
function threebvp(solver)
%THREEBVP Three-point boundary value problem
% This example of multipoint BVPs comes from the study of a physiological
% flow problem described in C. Lin and L. Segel, Mathematics Applied to
% Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA,
% 1988. For x in [0, lambda], the equations for the problem are
% v' = (C - 1)/n
% C' = (vC - min(x,1))/eta
% for known parameters n, kappa, and lambda > 1. eta = lambda^2/(n*kappa^2).
% The term min(x,1) in the equation for C'(x) is not smooth at x = 1.
% Lin and Segel describe this BVP as two problems, one set on [0, 1]
% and the other on [1, lambda], connected by the requirement that v(x)
% and C(x) be continuous at x = 1. The solution is to satisfy the boundary
% conditions v(0) = 0 and C(lambda) = 1. BVP4C solves this problem as
% a three-point BVP, imposing internal conditions at the interface point
% x = 1.
% This example solves the problem for n = 5e-2, lambda = 2, and a range
% kappa = 2,3,4,5. The solution for one value of kappa is used as guess
% for the next.
% By default, this example uses the BVP4C solver. Use syntax
% THREEBVP('bvp5c') to solve this problem with the BVP5C solver.
% Jacek Kierzenka and Lawrence F. Shampine
if nargin < 1
solver = 'bvp4c';
bvpsolver = fcnchk(solver);
% Problem parameter, shared with nested functions
n = 5e-2;
% Initial mesh - duplicate the interface point x = 1.
lambda = 2;
xinit = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2];
% Constant initial guess for the solution
yinit = [1; 1];
% The initial profile
sol = bvpinit(xinit,yinit);
% For each kappa, the quantity of interest is the emergent osmolarity.
% This example compares the value computed by BVP4C, Os = 1/v(lambda),
% with Lin and Segel's asymptotic approximation.
fprintf(' kappa computed Os approximate Os \n')
for kappa = 2:5
eta = lambda^2/(n*kappa^2); % use in nested functions
sol = bvpsolver(@f,@bc,sol);
K2 = lambda*sinh(kappa/lambda)/(kappa*cosh(kappa));
approx = 1/(1 - K2);
computed = 1/sol.y(1,end);
fprintf(' %2i %10.3f %10.3f \n',kappa,computed,approx);
title(['A three-point BVP solved with ',upper(func2str(bvpsolver))])
xlabel(['\lambda = ',num2str(lambda),', \kappa = ',num2str(kappa),'.'])
ylabel('v and C')
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Nested functions -- n and eta are provided by the outer function.
function dydx = f(x,y,region)
% Derivative function -- share n and eta with the outer function.
dydx = zeros(2,1);
dydx(1) = (y(2) - 1)/n;
% The definition of C'(x) depends on the region.
switch region
case 1 % x in [0 1]
dydx(2) = (y(1)*y(2) - x)/eta;
case 2 % x in [1 lambda]
dydx(2) = (y(1)*y(2) - 1)/eta;
error('MATLAB:threebvp:BadRegionIndex','Incorrect region index: %d',region);
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function res = bc(YL,YR)
% Boundary (and internal) conditions
res = [ YL(1,1) % v(0) = 0
YR(1,1) - YL(1,2) % continuity of v(x) at x = 1
YR(2,1) - YL(2,2) % continuity of C(x) at x = 1
YR(2,end) - 1 ]; % C(lambda) = 1
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
end % threebvp
where as my code is:
function threepointbvp(solver)
global A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V
A = sym(9.4e-4); % ks = solid-liquid mass transfer (m/s)
B = sym(3.69e2); % Ap = solid-liquid surface area (m2/m3)
C = sym(2.89e-9); % DSO2 = diffusivity of SO2 (m2/s)
D = sym(1.6e-9); % DCO32 = diffusivity of CO32- (m2/s)
E = sym(4.92e-5); % CBs = concentration of Ca2+ on limestone surface (mol/m3)
F = sym(1.6e-8); % DH = diffusivity of H+ (m2/s)
G = sym(6.24); % KSO2 = SO2 dissociation equilibrium (mol/m3)
H = sym(2.35e-9); % DHSO3 = diffusivity of HSO3 (m2/s)
I = sym(5.68e-5); % KHSO3 = HSO3 dissociation equilibrium constant (mol/m3)
J = sym(1.69e-9); % DSO32 = diffusivity of SO32 (m2/s)
K = sym(149); % HSO2 = Henry's constant (m3Pa/mol)
L = sym(47.28325); % PSO2 = partial pressure of SO2 (Pa)
M = sym(4.14e-6); % kga = gas-side mass transfer product (1/s)
N = sym(8.314); % R = universal gas constant (J/mol.K)
O = sym(323.15); % T = reactor tempeature (K)
P = sym(2.09); % CH = concentration of H+ at the gas-liquid interface (mol/m3)
Q = sym(9.333E-06); % CH = concentration of H+ at the in the bulk slurry (mol/m3)
R = sym(0.679); % S(IV) = total sulfur concentration in the bulk slurry (mol/m3)
S = sym(4.88e-6); % C(IV) = total sulfur concentration in the bulk slurry (mol/m3)
T = sym(1.7e-3); % KCO2 = CO2 dissociation equilibrium constant (mol/m3)
U = 6.55e-8; % KHCO3 = HCO3 dissociation equilibrium constant (mol/m3)
V = 2.08e-9; % DHCO3 = Diffusivity of HCO3 (m2/s)
% y(1) = CSO2
% y(2) = CHSO3
% y(3) = CSO32
% y(4) = CHCO32
% y(5) = CCO32
% Region I
% dy(1)/dx = y(6);
% d^2y(1)/dx^2 = (2*A*B / C)*(1 + (C*y(1) / 2*D*E) + (F*G*(y(2)/y(1)) / D*E)*E;
% dy(2)/dx = y(7);
% d^2y(2)/dx^2 = -(2*A*B / C)*(1 + (C*y(1) / 2*D*E) + (F*G*(y(2)/y(1)) /D*E)*E;
%Region II
% dy(3)/dx = y(8)
% dy(4)/dx = y(4);
% d^2y(3)/dx^2 = -(A*B / D)*(1 + (F*I*(y(3) / y(2)))/(D*E))*E;
% dy(5)/dx = y(5)
if nargin < 1
solver = 'bvp4c';
bvpsolver = fcnchk(solver);
xinit = [0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20,0.25,0.30,0.35,0.40,0.45,0.50,0.5,0.55,0.60,0.65,0.70,0.75,0.80,0.85,0.90,0.95,1.00,];
yinit = [4.03e-08, 3.39e-02, 2.60e-01, 5.45e-01, 4.82e-03, 0, 0, 0];
solinit = bvpinit(xinit,yinit);
sol = bvpsolver(@materialbalanceodes,@materialbalancebc,solinit);
x = linspace(0.05,1,0.05);
y = deval(sol,x);
plot(x,y(1,:), x,y(2,:), x,y(3,:), x,y(4,:), x,y(5,:), x,y(6,:), x,y(7,:), x,y(8,:))
for x = 0.05:0.5
region = 'case 1';
for x = 0.55:1
region = 'case 2';
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function dydx = materialbalanceodes(x,y, region)
dydx = zeros(8,1);
switch region
case 1 % x in [0 0.5]
dydx(1) = y(6);
dydx(2) = (2 * A * B / C) * (1 + ((C * y(1)) / (2 * D * E)) + ((F * G )* (y(2)/y(1)) / (D*E)))*E;
dydx(3) = y(7);
dydx(4) = -((2 * A * B) / (H)) * (1 + ((C * y(1)) / (2 * D * E)) + ((F * G) * (y(2) / y(1)) / (D * E))) * E;
case 2 % x in [0.5 1]
dydx(5) = y(8);
dydx(6) = y(4);
dydx(7) = -((A * B) / D) * (1 + (F * I * (y(3) / y(2)))/(D * E)) * E;
dydx(8) = y(5);
error('MATLAB:threebvp:BadRegionIndex','Incorrect region index: %d',region);
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function res = materialbalancebc(ya,yb)
res = [ (ya(1,0.05) - (K * L)) % x = 0.05
(ya(2,0.05) - ((I * K * L) / P))
(ya(6,0.05) + M * ((L /( N * O))- (K * L)))
ya(1,0.5) % x = 0.5
ya(2,0.5) - ((R*G*Q)/(Q.^2 + G * Q + G * I))
- C * ya(6,0.5) - V * ya(4,0.5) - J * yb(8,0.5)
- H * yb(7,0.5) + H * yb(7,0.5) - V * ya(4,0.5) - 2 * J * ya(8,0.5)
(yb(2,1) - ((R * G * Q)/(Q.^2 + G * Q + G * I))) % x = 1
(yb(3,1) - ((R * G * I)/(Q.^2 + G * Q + G * I)))
yb(4,1) - ((S * T * Q)/(Q.^2 + T * Q + T * U))]
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where am I going wrong?
Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
3 件のコメント
2018 年 8 月 28 日
If it is working, why are you changing it? Also, why are you using global variables? They should be avoided if possible, or else you should have long names that will avoid any name collision (which would cause bugs that are very difficult to solve).
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