
BVP solver giving singular jacobian error even with analytical jacobians provided

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Isaac 2012 年 6 月 19 日
Hey all, I'm getting a singular Jacobian error while trying to use the solver bvp4c:
??? Error using ==> bvp4c at 252
Unable to solve the collocation equations -- a singular Jacobian encountered.
The only thing is that I'm providing the solver with the analytical jacobians! Any ideas as to what's going on? Here's my code:
One thing I noticed was the the solver always messed up while on x=100.5, with the boundary condition at x=101. Not sure what that indicates.
function potential = poisson(xspace, phia, dphidxa, H, Zn)
%Random constants stolen from main code. Will clean these up if it proves
ep0 = (8.85e-12)/100; % permittivity in SI [F/cm]
ep0 = ep0/10^10; %Scaling permittivity down by 10^10
ep = 12; % relative permittivity
q = 1.6e-19; % charge on an electron [C]
T = 463; % Temperature, [K]
kk = 1.381e-23; % Boltzmann's constant [J/K]
ni = 5e11; % number of intrinsic carriers
ni = ni/10^10; %Scaling # of intrinsic carriers down by 10^10
lx = length(xspace);
%defining the x mesh
xspace = 1:lx;
solinit = bvpinit(xspace, @potentialguess);
options = bvpset('Stats','on', 'FJacobian', @potentialjac, 'BCJacobian', @potentialBCjac, 'RelTol',1e-8);
sol = bvp4c(@potentialode, @potentialbc, solinit, options);
xint = xspace;
Sxint = deval(sol,xint);
potential = Sxint;
%dydx sets up the system of first order ODEs, which is how matlab
%processes these types of problems. y(1) is phia, y(2) is dphidxa. And
%each entry of this vector is the derivative of each. So the derivative
%of y(1) is y(2). And the derivative of y(2) is the poisson equation.
function dydx = potentialode(x,y)
if floor(x) ~= ceil(x)
points = [floor(x), ceil(x)];
Hinterp = interp1(points, H(points), x);
Zninterp = interp1(points, Zn(points), x);
Hinterp = H(x);
Zninterp = Zn(x);
dydx = [y(2)
(q/(ep*ep0))*(ni*exp((q*y(1))/(kk*T)) - ni*exp((-q*y(1))/(kk*T)) + Zninterp - Hinterp)];
%The residual matrix, which sets the boundary conditions. The computer
%attempts to make each entry 0 within this matrix during its solution algorithm.
function res = potentialbc(ya, yb)
res = [ya(1) - phia(1)
yb(1) - phia(lx)];
%The guess matrix provides a guess for the future values of the
%potential and its derivative. In this case, the guess is simply the
%old values of the potential and its derivative.
function guess = potentialguess(x)
guess = [phia(x)
%This function is the analytical jacobian - greatly speeds up the
%working of the solver so the solver can skip calculating it
function dfdy = potentialjac(x, y)
dfdy = [0 1 ((q^2*ni)/(ep*ep0*kk*T))*(exp((q*y(1))/(kk*T)) + exp((-q*y(1))/(kk*T))) 0];
function [dBCdya, dBCdba] = potentialBCjac(ya, yb)
dBCdya = [1 0
0 0];
dBCdba = [0 0
1 0];

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