
Assign random number in column if negative/positive

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Anna Go
Anna Go 2018 年 8 月 1 日
コメント済み: Anna Go 2018 年 8 月 1 日
Hello everyone,
I have a simple Matlab table with the last column having positive and negative numbers. If the values are negative I want to create an additional table and assign random numbers from 4 to 14 and the rest with "0". If the values are positive I want to assign random numbers from 4 to 14 and the rest "0 " in an additional column. see the attached picture


KSSV 2018 年 8 月 1 日
val = [1 5 -3 4 8 -6]' ;
C1 = zeros(size(val)) ;
idx = val<0 ;
C1(idx) = randsample(4:14,nnz(idx)) ;
T = table(val,C1)
  3 件のコメント
KSSV 2018 年 8 月 1 日
It works very much.....show me the code you tried.
Anna Go
Anna Go 2018 年 8 月 1 日
load energy
whos -file energy
T = table(hour, demand,generation);
T.diffrow = demand - generation;
% insert column with random buy price
T.buydprice = zeros(size(generation)) ;
idx = T.diffrow<0 ;
T.buydprice(idx) = randsample(4:14,nnz(idx)) ;
% insert column with random sell price
T.sellprice = zeros(size(generation)) ;
idx = T.diffrow>0 ;
T.sellprice(idx) = randsample(4:14,nnz(idx)) ;
I attached the .mat file. Thank you


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