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if f=60 hz in s=jw then the z will be infinite. Am i right ?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Abhishek Dasgupta
Abhishek Dasgupta 2018 年 7 月 19 日
閉鎖済み: Sabin 2023 年 3 月 10 日
format long
%modulator gain km km=0.5;
%dc voltage vdc in volts vdc=550;
%gain of P controller kp kp=0.04578;
%gain of I controller ki ki=43.15;
%decoupling gain kd kd=0.00411;
%current sampling delay ti ti=25*1.0e-6;
%voltage sampling delay tv tv=50*1.0e-6;
%sampling time of pwm tm tm=25*1.0e-6;
% current compensator cut off frequency wi wi=125.6*1.0e3;
% pwn control frequency wm wm=125.6*1.0e3;
%voltage compensator cut off frquency wv wv=62.8*1.0e3;
%transducer cut off frequency wtv wtv=31.4*1.0e3;
% Inductance L L=3*1.0e-3;
%Feedforward voltage gain kf kf=(km.*vdc)^-1;
%fundamental frequency f1 f1=60;
% fundamental angular frequency omegaone omegaone =2*pi*f1;
%frequency range f f=[0.1: 10: 10000];
%angular frequency omegadot omegadot=2*pi*f;
%variable s s=1i*omegadot;
%grid Inductance lg in Henry lg=3.75*1.0e-3;
%damping resistance in ohm rd=1.87;
%damped capacitance in farad cf=22*1.0e-6;
%grid impedance zg=(((s.*lg).^-1)+(rd+(1./(s.*cf))).^-1).^-1;
%current sampling delay gi gi=(exp(s.*(-ti-tm))).*(((1-exp(s*-ti)).*(1-exp(s*-tm))./(s.^2.*ti.*tm)).*(wi./(s+wi).*(wm./(s+wm))));
%voltage sampling delay gv gv=(exp(s.*(-tv-tm))).*(((1-exp(s*-tv)).*(1-exp(s*-tm))./(s.^2.*tv.*tm)).*(wv./(s+wv)).*(wtv./(s+wtv).*(wm./(s+wm))));
%transfer function with delay H H=kp+ki./(s-1i.*376.8);
%impedance of positive sequence z z=(km.*vdc.*(H-1i.*kd).*gi+(s.*L))./(1-(km.*vdc.*kf.*gv));
subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f,20.*log10(abs(z)),f,20.*log10(abs(zg))); xlim([60 10000]) ylim([20 60]) grid on ylabel('|Magnitude(dB)|'); title('Bode Plot: Magnitude in dB');
subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,unwrap(angle(z))*180/pi,f,unwrap(angle(zg))*180/pi); xlim([60 10000]) ylim([-200 150]) grid on; xlabel('|omega(rad/s)|'); ylabel('|Phase(Degree)|'); title('Bode plot: Phase in degrees');

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