Finding the part of a larger matrix that is most similar to a smaller matrix
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
If I have two matrices, a large regular one and a smaller irregular one, is there a way to find which subsection of the large matrix is most similar to the smaller one without resorting to crude moving windows and overlaps? e.g in the code below I cut out subsections of the large matrix that have 25% overlap with each other and scan along.
bigMatrix = rand(1000,1000); littleMatrix = rand(randi(50)+25,randi(50)+25);
windowLengthCol = length(littleMatrix(1, :)); windowLengthRow = length(littleMatrix(:, 1)); overlapCol = round(0.75*windowLengthCol); overlapRow = round(0.75*windowLengthRow);
for i = 1:floor(length(bigMatrix(1, :))/windowLengthCol) for j = 1:floor(length(bigMatrix(:, 1))/windowLengthRow) if i == 1 && j == 1 subMatrix = bigMatrix(1:((j-1)*overlapRow)+windowLengthRow, 1:((i-1)*overlapCol)+windowLengthCol); elseif j == 1 subMatrix = bigMatrix(1:((j-1)*overlapRow)+windowLengthRow, 1+(i-1)*overlapCol:((i-1)*overlapCol)+windowLengthCol); elseif i == 1 subMatrix = bigMatrix(1+(j-1)*overlapRow:((j-1)*overlapRow)+windowLengthRow, 1:((i-1)*overlapCol)+windowLengthCol); else subMatrix = bigMatrix(1+(j-1)*overlapRow:((j-1)*overlapRow)+windowLengthRow, 1+(i-1)*overlapCol:((i-1)*overlapCol)+windowLengthCol); end corrValue = normxcorr2(littleMatrix, subMatrix); z(i,j) = max(corrValue(:)); end end
[rowNo, colNo] = find(z == max(z(:)));
But it's rather unwieldy. It's hampered by the fact that the content of the matrices will be similar, but not exact, so I can't just do an isMember call.
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回答 (2 件)
Image Analyst
2018 年 6 月 5 日
normxcorr2() already does the moving/sliding and comparing. There is no need for you to put it inside of a loop because that is done internally. See my attached demo.

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Anton Semechko
2018 年 6 月 5 日
Here is another example, in case you dont have an Image Processing Toolbox:
% Random N-by-N matrix
N=1E3; % matrix dimensions
% Crop out a n-by-n submatrix from A
% Cross-correlation between A and A_sub
% Maximum value of B will occur at a point where A is most similar to A_sub
% You can verify that i_corr=yc+floor(n/2)+1 and j_corr=xc+floor(n/2)+1
disp([i_ref i_corr])
disp([j_ref j_corr])
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