How to visualise the colour with a given set of RGB values?

17 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Salad Box
Salad Box 2018 年 1 月 23 日
回答済み: Robert Watson 2025 年 1 月 18 日
I have one set of RGB values
RGB=[85 270 100];
How to represent/visualise the colour in a say, 80 by 80 pixel colour patch?


KSSV 2018 年 1 月 23 日
x = [0 1 1 0];
y = [0 0 1 1];
patch(x,y,[85 250 100]./255)

その他の回答 (2 件)

DGM 2021 年 11 月 3 日
編集済み: DGM 2021 年 11 月 3 日
If you just want a small swatch to see the color:
c = [85 250 100]; % color tuple scaled to [0 255]
imshow(ones(80).*permute(c./255,[1 3 2]));
This should work fine in R2016b and newer.
  2 件のコメント
Navaneeth 2024 年 3 月 7 日
Hellow thank you for this. But I am getting an error implementing it in my code, can you kindly let me know how can I integrate it without getting this error.
clc;clear;close all;
%XYZ space to RGB space
XYZ = [1073;796;697];%XYZ value
x = XYZ(1)/sum(XYZ);
y = XYZ(2)/sum(XYZ);
z = XYZ(3)/sum(XYZ);
xyz = [x y z];
RGB_2 = xyz2rgb(xyz,'OutputType','uint8');
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
Error using .*
Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles.
./255,[1 3 2]));
Thank you in advance.
DGM 2024 年 3 月 7 日
There are a couple reasons we need to pay attention to class and scale here. First is that there are restrictions on certain operations with integer class arrays and with mixed-class arrays. Second is that imshow() and other tools expect images to be within a certain scale according to their numeric class.
The problem is that your RGB tuple is proper uint8, whereas the literal c = [85 250 100] that I used in my example is an improperly-scaled double. This causes an error, since we can't do mixed-class multiplication between a uint8 array and a double array. We can get around that problem various ways, but the second problem is that floating point image data is expected to be unit-scale (0-1). When I was dealing with an improperly-scaled double as input, it's necessary to normalize it properly by dividing by 255. If the input is an actual proper uint8 array, doing this normalization is unnecessary and will destroy the image.
So let's back up. The example I gave was based around the common habit of expressing color tuples as improper uint8-scale double arrays. If we're using proper uint8, we don't need to fix the scaling. The multiplication really isn't necessary unless you want to do in-figure composition with some other objects and you want the image to be a certain size. There are simpler ways to do it.
XYZ = [1073;796;697];%XYZ value
x = XYZ(1)/sum(XYZ);
y = XYZ(2)/sum(XYZ);
z = XYZ(3)/sum(XYZ);
xyz = [x y z];
RGB_2 = xyz2rgb(xyz,'OutputType','uint8');
% expand by multiplication, but make sure both have the same class
imshow(ones(80,class(RGB_2)).*permute(RGB_2,[1 3 2]));
% expand using repmat() instead (probably faster)
imshow(repmat(permute(RGB_2,[1 3 2]),[80 80 1]));
% don't really need to do either
% the image fills the axes even if it's only a single pixel
imshow(permute(RGB_2,[1 3 2]))


Robert Watson
Robert Watson 2025 年 1 月 18 日
I made a utility function. Figured I should share in case its any use.
It uses imshow to display a preset 128x128 size image of the input color, scaled to take up 1/8th of your screen size.
function showColor(rgb)
%SHOWCOLOR Display a colorswatch of the given rgb value
rgb (1,3) {mustBeNonnegative, mustBeLessThanOrEqual(rgb, 255)} % 1x3 vector of RGB values.
% Validate & handle colors in 8-bit format
max_val = max(rgb);
float_tol = 1e-12;
if max_val > 1
% Error if not integer values
is_ints = all(mod(rgb,1) <= float_tol);
assert(is_ints, "Invalid color format supplied. Must be 1x3 vector of floats in range [0,1] or integers in range [0,255]");
% Scale to floats for consistent processing
rgb = rgb./ 255;
% Make color swatch
color(1,1,:) = rgb;
color = repmat (color, 128,128,1);
% Display color swatch
% (Want a small figure with minimal whitespace)
f = figure();
daspect([1 1 1]);
f.Units = "normalized";
f.Position(3:4) = [0.125, 0.125];
% Example 1: Basic 8-bit colors
% Example 2: Basic Normalized Float Colors
% Example 3: Show part of a color map
cmap = lines(3);

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