
I am trying to draw a tangent line to the bottom right of my circle and use the tangent line to find the angle between the horizontal line and the curve. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my code.

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% Contact Angle Detection
clc clear all close all
Irgb = imread('Trial.png');
% Processing of Real Life Image
Igray = rgb2gray(Irgb);
% Edge Detection Method
BW = edge(Igray,'canny');
% Finding Lines within the Image
[H,theta,rho] = hough(BW); imshow(imadjust(mat2gray(H)),[],... 'XData',theta,... 'YData',rho,... 'initialmagnification','fit'); colormap(gca,hot);
P = houghpeaks(H,5,'threshold',ceil(.7*max(H(:)))); lines = houghlines(BW,theta,rho,P,'Fillgap',5,'Minlength',7); imshow(BW), hold on; max_len = 0; for k = 1:length(lines) xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2]; plot(xy(:,1),xy(:,2),'linewidth',2,'color','green');
len = norm(lines(k).point1 - lines(k).point2);
if (len > max_len)
max_len = len;
xy_long = xy;
x1 = xy_long(1); x2 = xy_long(2); x3 = xy(1); x4 = xy(2); y1 = xy_long(3); y2 = xy_long(4); y3 = xy(3); y4 = xy(4);
% Display Only the Curve Left Side rect = [300 323 50 10]; BW5 = imcrop(BW,rect); imshow(BW5); [y,x] = find(BW5);
% Polynomial Fitting of the Curve
p = fit(x,y,'poly3'); p1 = [3*p(1) 2*p(2) p(3)]; derivative = polyval(p1,unique(x)); avgDerivative = ((derivative(1)+derivative(2)+derivative(3))/3); CorrectedDeriv = -avgDerivative/10000;
imshow(BW) hold on line([x2 (x2-10)],[y2 (y2+(10*CorrectedDeriv))])
m2 = 0;
theta = atand(((CorrectedDeriv)-m2)/(1-(CorrectedDeriv)*m2));
%Display Only the Curve Right Side
rect = [463 323 50 10]; BW5 = imcrop(BW,rect); imshow(BW5); [c,d] = find(BW5);
% Polynomial Fitting of the Curve
p11 = fit(d,c,'poly3')
p12 = [3*p11(1) 2*p11(2) p11(3)] derivative1 = polyval(p12,unique(d)) avgDerivative1 = ((derivative1(1)+derivative1(2)+derivative1(3))/3) CorrectedDeriv1 = avgDerivative1/100
imshow(BW); hold on; line([x3 (x3+10)],[y3 (y3+(10*-CorrectedDeriv1))]);
m2 = 0;
theta1 = atand(((CorrectedDeriv1)-m2)/(1-(CorrectedDeriv1)*m2));
ThetaAvg = ((theta + theta1)/2)

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