convolution of closed curve
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Hi Everyone!
I have this code that works, but is not very elegant. I was wondering if there was not a way to make it better, or a function option that does this for me. I have a sequence of 2D points that represents a closed curve in the plane. The points are ordered and the distance between two consecutive points is constant (unlike in the code snippet which is only MWC). I want to smooth the curve. I have defined a Gaussian filter of a certain window. I first pad the closed curve so that the beginning and end overlap with each other, the size of the overlap being half of the size of the filter window. Then I apply the Gaussian filter and I go back to the original sequence.
syms x s;
f = symfun((1/(sqrt(2*pi)*s))*exp(-x^2/(2*s^2)),[x s]);
s = 2;
L = floor(5*s)*2;
M = L*2+1;
support = linspace(-L,L,M);
G = double(f(support,s));
closed_curve = rand(100,2); %different in original code, points are really equally spaced
closed_curve_ext = [closed_curve(end-L+1:end,:); closed_curve; closed_curve(1:L,:)];
closed_curve_ext(:,1) = conv(closed_curve_ext(:,1), G, 'same');
closed_curve_ext(:,2) = conv(closed_curve_ext(:,2), G, 'same');
closed_curve = closed_curve_ext(L+1:end-L,:);
Any help is appreciated!
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