Filter out a particular frequency from a mixed signal

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Jayanta Deb
Jayanta Deb 2017 年 9 月 22 日
回答済み: Star Strider 2017 年 9 月 22 日
Hi All, I have a signal of mixed frequency 11 hrz, 50 hrz, 9000 hrz, and I want to filter out the 50 hrz signal from the mixed signal. The record length of the signal may be 10^6 long or may be more. Any help will be appreciated.

回答 (1 件)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2017 年 9 月 22 日
With a 1 MHz sampling frequency, it is not possible to implement a discrete FIR or IIR filter for a 50 Hz signal that produces reliable output.
You either need to implement the 50 Hz notch (narrow bandstop) filter in hardware, or significantly decrease your sampling frequency (perhaps to 20 KHz).


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