Estimates from Gaussian Process regression (function: `fitgpr`) for given set of hyperparameter

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
I am interested in estimating y using Gaussian Process for given hyperparameters and noise parameter i.e. without optimizing for parameters.
In the following example; [3.5, 6.2, 0.2] are provided as initial guess parameters,
sigma0 = 0.2;
kparams0 = [3.5, 6.2];
gprMdl2 = fitrgp(x,y,'KernelFunction','squaredexponential',...
ypred2 = resubPredict(gprMdl2);
But I am interested in seeing model's response y and other properties (like: loglikelihood) precisely for parameters [3.5, 6.2, 0.2] not for optimized ones.


Gautam Pendse
Gautam Pendse 2017 年 5 月 20 日
Hi Pankaj,
You probably want to use 'FitMethod','none' in the call to fitrgp. For more info, have a look at the doc for 'FitMethod':
Hope this helps,

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