
Dijkstra algorithm to find the nodes on the shortest path and it's parcial distances

43 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Sofia Batista
Sofia Batista 2016 年 12 月 16 日
コメント済み: Saurav Shrestha 2022 年 2 月 19 日
's algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph(I will leave my graph). For a given source node in the graph, the algorithm finds the shortest path between that node and every other.
Here's dijkstra code
function [ dist, prev ] = Dijkstra( graph, source )
nv = length(graph);
Q = 1:nv;
dist = ones(1,nv) * Inf;
prev = zeros(1,nv);
dist(source) = 0;
while ~isempty(Q)
u = Q(find(dist(Q) == min(dist(Q)), 1 ));
Q(Q == u) = [];
neighbors = intersect(Q, find(graph(u,:)));
for v = neighbors
alt = min( dist(u)+graph(u,v), dist(v) );
if alt < dist(v)
dist(v) = min( dist(u)+graph(u,v), dist(v) );
prev(v) = u;
The problem i have is the vectors dist and prev don't return the shortest path between all nodes and the parcial distants from one node to the other until de end(for exemple from node 1 to node 5 the shortest path is passing by nodes 2 and 3(what i want to know) and the distances between node 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and 3 to 5(also what i want to know)).
That being said dist returns the total distances from all the short path(from 1 to all the other nodes) and prev returns the last node on the shortest paths(in the last exemple it would return 3 and so on to the other nodes).
I am also gonna put my the code i have so far for better references(it is basically a code that is suppost to be more user friendly when someone wants to know the shortest paths using dijkstra) Thank you!
  3 件のコメント
John BG
John BG 2016 年 12 月 16 日
編集済み: John BG 2016 年 12 月 16 日
Image Analyst, the graph is the file grafo.txt
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016 年 12 月 16 日
編集済み: Image Analyst 2016 年 12 月 16 日
Code to turn that matrix in that text file into the variables "graph" and "source" might help people, or entice them to help. It's always good to do whatever you can do to make it easy and convenient for people to offer help.


回答 (2 件)

John BG
John BG 2016 年 12 月 16 日
between your dijkstra function and Kirk's dijstra function there is a bit of difference. Why don't you have a look what is it that Kirk's dijkstra does that your function doesn't?
there are other implementations of Dijkstra algorithm in MATLAB central file exchange.
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John BG
% DIJKSTRA Calculate Minimum Costs and Paths using Dijkstra's Algorithm
% Filename: dijkstra.m
% Description: Given vertices and edge connections for a graph (represented by
% either adjacency matrix or edge list) and edge costs that are greater
% than zero, this function computes the shortest path from one or more
% starting nodes to one or more termination nodes.
% Author:
% Joseph Kirk
% jdkirk630@gmail.com
% Date: 02/27/15
% Release: 2.0
% Inputs:
% [AorV] Either A or V where
% A is a NxN adjacency matrix, where A(I,J) is nonzero (=1)
% if and only if an edge connects point I to point J
% NOTE: Works for both symmetric and asymmetric A
% V is a Nx2 (or Nx3) matrix of x,y,(z) coordinates
% [xyCorE] Either xy or C or E (or E3) where
% xy is a Nx2 (or Nx3) matrix of x,y,(z) coordinates (equivalent to V)
% NOTE: only valid with A as the first input
% C is a NxN cost (perhaps distance) matrix, where C(I,J) contains
% the value of the cost to move from point I to point J
% NOTE: only valid with A as the first input
% E is a Px2 matrix containing a list of edge connections
% NOTE: only valid with V as the first input
% E3 is a Px3 matrix containing a list of edge connections in the
% first two columns and edge weights in the third column
% NOTE: only valid with V as the first input
% [SID] (optional) 1xL vector of starting points
% if unspecified, the algorithm will calculate the minimal path from
% all N points to the finish point(s) (automatically sets SID = 1:N)
% [FID] (optional) 1xM vector of finish points
% if unspecified, the algorithm will calculate the minimal path from
% the starting point(s) to all N points (automatically sets FID = 1:N)
% [showWaitbar] (optional) a scalar logical that initializes a waitbar if nonzero
% Outputs:
% [costs] is an LxM matrix of minimum cost values for the minimal paths
% [paths] is an LxM cell array containing the shortest path arrays
% Note:
% If the inputs are [A,xy] or [V,E], the cost is assumed to be (and is
% calculated as) the point-to-point Euclidean distance
% If the inputs are [A,C] or [V,E3], the cost is obtained from either
% the C matrix or from the edge weights in the 3rd column of E3
% Usage:
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(A,xy)
% -or-
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(A,C)
% -or-
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(V,E)
% -or-
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(V,E3)
% -or-
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra( ... ,SID,FID)
% -or-
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra( ... ,SID,FID,true)
% Example:
% % Calculate the (all pairs) shortest distances and paths using [A,xy] inputs
% n = 7; A = zeros(n); xy = 10*rand(n,2)
% tri = delaunay(xy(:,1),xy(:,2));
% I = tri(:); J = tri(:,[2 3 1]); J = J(:);
% IJ = I + n*(J-1); A(IJ) = 1
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(A,xy)
% Example:
% % Calculate the (all pairs) shortest distances and paths using [A,C] inputs
% n = 7; A = zeros(n); xy = 10*rand(n,2)
% tri = delaunay(xy(:,1),xy(:,2));
% I = tri(:); J = tri(:,[2 3 1]); J = J(:);
% IJ = I + n*(J-1); A(IJ) = 1
% a = (1:n); b = a(ones(n,1),:);
% C = round(reshape(sqrt(sum((xy(b,:) - xy(b',:)).^2,2)),n,n))
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(A,C)
% Example:
% % Calculate the (all pairs) shortest distances and paths using [V,E] inputs
% n = 7; V = 10*rand(n,2)
% I = delaunay(V(:,1),V(:,2));
% J = I(:,[2 3 1]); E = [I(:) J(:)]
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(V,E)
% Example:
% % Calculate the (all pairs) shortest distances and paths using [V,E3] inputs
% n = 7; V = 10*rand(n,2)
% I = delaunay(V(:,1),V(:,2));
% J = I(:,[2 3 1]);
% D = sqrt(sum((V(I(:),:) - V(J(:),:)).^2,2));
% E3 = [I(:) J(:) D]
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(V,E3)
% Example:
% % Calculate the shortest distances and paths from the 3rd point to all the rest
% n = 7; V = 10*rand(n,2)
% I = delaunay(V(:,1),V(:,2));
% J = I(:,[2 3 1]); E = [I(:) J(:)]
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(V,E,3)
% Example:
% % Calculate the shortest distances and paths from all points to the 2nd
% n = 7; A = zeros(n); xy = 10*rand(n,2)
% tri = delaunay(xy(:,1),xy(:,2));
% I = tri(:); J = tri(:,[2 3 1]); J = J(:);
% IJ = I + n*(J-1); A(IJ) = 1
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(A,xy,1:n,2)
% Example:
% % Calculate the shortest distance and path from points [1 3 4] to [2 3 5 7]
% n = 7; V = 10*rand(n,2)
% I = delaunay(V(:,1),V(:,2));
% J = I(:,[2 3 1]); E = [I(:) J(:)]
% [costs,paths] = dijkstra(V,E,[1 3 4],[2 3 5 7])
% Example:
% % Calculate the shortest distance and path between two points
% n = 1000; A = zeros(n); xy = 10*rand(n,2);
% tri = delaunay(xy(:,1),xy(:,2));
% I = tri(:); J = tri(:,[2 3 1]); J = J(:);
% D = sqrt(sum((xy(I,:)-xy(J,:)).^2,2));
% I(D > 0.75,:) = []; J(D > 0.75,:) = [];
% IJ = I + n*(J-1); A(IJ) = 1;
% [cost,path] = dijkstra(A,xy,1,n)
% gplot(A,xy,'k.:'); hold on;
% plot(xy(path,1),xy(path,2),'ro-','LineWidth',2); hold off
% title(sprintf('Distance from %d to %d = %1.3f',1,n,cost))
% Web Resources:
% <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm">Dijkstra's Algorithm</a>
% <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_%28mathematics%29">Graphs</a>
% <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjacency_matrix">Adjacency Matrix</a>
% See also: gplot, gplotd, gplotdc, distmat, ve2axy, axy2ve
function [costs,paths] = dijkstra(AorV,xyCorE,SID,FID,showWaitbar)
% Process inputs
[n,nc] = size(AorV);
[m,mc] = size(xyCorE);
if (nargin < 3)
SID = (1:n);
elseif isempty(SID)
SID = (1:n);
L = length(SID);
if (nargin < 4)
FID = (1:n);
elseif isempty(FID)
FID = (1:n);
M = length(FID);
if (nargin < 5)
showWaitbar = (n > 1000 && max(L,M) > 1);
% Error check inputs
if (max(SID) > n || min(SID) < 1)
eval(['help ' mfilename]);
error('Invalid [SID] input. See help notes above.');
if (max(FID) > n || min(FID) < 1)
eval(['help ' mfilename]);
error('Invalid [FID] input. See help notes above.');
[E,cost] = process_inputs(AorV,xyCorE);
% Reverse the algorithm if it will be more efficient
isReverse = false;
if L > M
E = E(:,[2 1]);
cost = cost';
tmp = SID;
FID = tmp;
isReverse = true;
% Initialize output variables
L = length(SID);
M = length(FID);
costs = zeros(L,M);
paths = num2cell(NaN(L,M));
% Create a waitbar if desired
if showWaitbar
hWait = waitbar(0,'Calculating Minimum Paths ... ');
% Find the minimum costs and paths using Dijkstra's Algorithm
for k = 1:L
% Initializations
iTable = NaN(n,1);
minCost = Inf(n,1);
isSettled = false(n,1);
path = num2cell(NaN(n,1));
I = SID(k);
minCost(I) = 0;
iTable(I) = 0;
isSettled(I) = true;
path(I) = {I};
% Execute Dijkstra's Algorithm for this vertex
while any(~isSettled(FID))
% Update the table
jTable = iTable;
iTable(I) = NaN;
nodeIndex = find(E(:,1) == I);
% Calculate the costs to the neighbor nodes and record paths
for kk = 1:length(nodeIndex)
J = E(nodeIndex(kk),2);
if ~isSettled(J)
c = cost(I,J);
empty = isnan(jTable(J));
if empty || (jTable(J) > (jTable(I) + c))
iTable(J) = jTable(I) + c;
if isReverse
path{J} = [J path{I}];
path{J} = [path{I} J];
iTable(J) = jTable(J);
% Find values in the table
K = find(~isnan(iTable));
if isempty(K)
% Settle the minimum value in the table
[~,N] = min(iTable(K));
I = K(N);
minCost(I) = iTable(I);
isSettled(I) = true;
% Store costs and paths
costs(k,:) = minCost(FID);
paths(k,:) = path(FID);
if showWaitbar && ~mod(k,ceil(L/100))
if showWaitbar
% Reformat outputs if algorithm was reversed
if isReverse
costs = costs';
paths = paths';
% Pass the path as an array if only one source/destination were given
if L == 1 && M == 1
paths = paths{1};
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
function [E,C] = process_inputs(AorV,xyCorE)
if (n == nc)
if (m == n)
A = AorV;
A = A - diag(diag(A));
if (m == mc)
% Inputs = (A,cost)
C = xyCorE;
E = a2e(A);
% Inputs = (A,xy)
xy = xyCorE;
E = a2e(A);
D = ve2d(xy,E);
C = sparse(E(:,1),E(:,2),D,n,n);
eval(['help ' mfilename]);
error('Invalid [A,xy] or [A,C] inputs. See help notes above.');
if (mc == 2)
% Inputs = (V,E)
V = AorV;
E = xyCorE;
D = ve2d(V,E);
C = sparse(E(:,1),E(:,2),D,n,n);
elseif (mc == 3)
% Inputs = (V,E3)
E3 = xyCorE;
E = E3(:,1:2);
C = sparse(E(:,1),E(:,2),E3(:,3),n,n);
eval(['help ' mfilename]);
error('Invalid [V,E] or [V,E3] inputs. See help notes above.');
% Convert adjacency matrix to edge list
function E = a2e(A)
[I,J] = find(A);
E = [I J];
% Compute Euclidean distance for edges
function D = ve2d(V,E)
VI = V(E(:,1),:);
VJ = V(E(:,2),:);
D = sqrt(sum((VI - VJ).^2,2));

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016 年 12 月 16 日
Why not just use the shortestpath() function?


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