- table was introduced in R2013b
- dataset in the statistical toolbox was introduced in R2007a
What is the equivalent of readtable (2014-2016 version) function in the 2010/2011 version
5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have the following funnction and codes below (associated with the function) which were written in the 2016 version. However, I have the 2011 version and readtable was introduced in 2014 only. At work I have an even older version (2010b). So I would like to know if someone can help me adapt these lines of codes below so that I can use them in the older version:
here is the function:
function [ComPrices,Com,Year,T,t,Residuals,Aobs,options,solveroptions,N,mina,maxa,r,delta] = OverallInitialization()
% OVERALLINITIALIZATION Initializes all the general parameters for the estimations
%%Load list of commodities and prices
Com = {'Banana';
%ComPrices = csvwrite('ComPrices-1900-2011.csv');
ComPrices = importdata('ComPrices-1900-2011.csv');
ComPrices = ComPrices(:,Com);
Year = str2num(cell2mat(ComPrices.Properties.RowNames));
T = length(Year);
t = (1:1:T)'/T;
Residuals = array2table(NaN(T,length(Com)),...
Aobs = Residuals;
fminconoptions = optimoptions('fmincon' , ...
'Algorithm' , 'sqp',...
'DiffMinChange', eps^(1/3),...
'Display' , 'iter-detailed',...
'FinDiffType' , 'central',...
'MaxFunEvals' , 1E4,...
'TolFun' , 1e-6,...
'TolX' , 1e-6,...
'UseParallel' , true);
pswarmoptions = struct('CPTolerance', 1e-6,...
'MaxIter' , 700,...
'MaxObj' , 5E5,...
'Size' , 700);
solveroptions = struct('fmincon' , fminconoptions,...
'pswarm' , pswarmoptions);
options = struct('cov' , 2,...
'Display' , 0,...
'estimator' , 'UML',...
'InterpMethod' , 'spline',...
'MaxIter' , 1E3,...
'ncpu' , 8,...
'numhessianoptions',struct('FinDiffRelStep' , 1E-3,...
'UseParallel' , true),...
'seed' , 1,...
'TolX' , 1E-10,...
'UseParallel' , 'never',...
'Vectorized' ,'on');
options.solver = {'PSwarm' 'fmincon'};
options.solveroptions = {pswarmoptions fminconoptions};
%%Define the grid of interpolation (equally space points)
N = 1000; % number of points on the approximation grid
mina = -2; % lower limit of the grid
maxa = 20; % upper limit of the grid
r = 0.05; % Interest rate assumed exogenous and fixed
delta = 0; % Decay rate assumed exogenous and fixed at zero
4 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2016 年 12 月 10 日
Particleswarm was not implemented back then either. You would have to look in the File Exchange to see if one of the pso contributions was useful for your purpose.
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