I am simulating signal processing in a radar. When I place a simulated target in a known near-in range location in a range-Doppler map OR when I process actual data [offline] collected by a radar, I see some range-foldover effects. That is, when there is a distinct detectable target at near range, I also get detections at the same Doppler at far range. (I'm attaching portions of the code.) nfft pulses of rnfft range bins are received and form the initial R-Dop map. This is passed through a Matched Filter, then MTI, Pulse Doppler and inverse-MTI. A hamming window (weights) are applied in fast time (range - Matched Filter) and slow time (pulses - Pulse Doppler). I know this range-sidelobe effect is due to the Fourier transform in the Matched Filtering operation but, I'm not yet sure why it's there (the mechanism which causes it) or, how to counteract it [which I assume would follow from knowing why it happens.]
Code portions:
cfdpcTempMat = conj(fft(dpcTemplateMat));
rtrdMapRx is the range-Doppler map (rnfft range bins by nfft Doppler bins)
trRngDelayDpcMat = ifft(fft(rtrdMapRx).*cfdpcTempMat);
trRngDelayDpcMtiMat = mtiMat * trRngDelayDpcMat.';
trDpcDopMat = fft(dopWinMat*trRngDelayDpcMtiMat, nfft);
trDpcDopImtiMat = imtiMat * trDpcDopMat;
trDpcRngDopMap = abs(fftshift(trDpcDopImtiMat.',2)).^2;
(fftshift shifts zero velocity Doppler to center for convenience.)