Scope in SIMULINK does not display wave correctly
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
i use AC Voltage 12 V. AC voltage should produce Sinewave but i got difference wave. (note: Beginner in MATLAB)

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Rodney Tan
2016 年 10 月 8 日
Hi! Hadi Just change the scope sample time to a faster sample time. For example to set sampling frequency of 15300, you can enter 1/15360 into scope sample time, it will give you 256 samples per cycle for 60 Hz line frequency power system. The determination of sampling frequency is governed by the following equation
Sampling Freq = Line Freq * Sample per cycle
I also include a screen capture for your reference. Please LIKE if this answer your question. Thanks </matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/60782/ScopeSampleTime.jpg>
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