
How can I correctly substitute symbolic variables with decimal numbers like 2.543342? The subs function can't do it properly...

41 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
This is the function I wrote:
function [ nsquare ] = sellmeier_formula( type , coefficients )
%SELLMEIER_FORMULA This functions gives the sellmeier formula as a symbolic
%function of lambda in micrometers.
% Inputs:
% type - It's the type of sellmeier formula to be used.
% coefficients - It's a vector containing the coefficients to be used for
% the sellmeier formula.
% Outputs:
% nsquare - It's a symbolic function with argument lambda of the square
% of the refractive index n corresponding to the type of sellmeier
% formula used.
%Input arguments check
narginchk(minargs, maxargs)
%Input data class and validity check
if ~isnumeric(type)
warndlg('type must be a numeric input');
error(['type has to be a numeric input']);
elseif ~isnumeric(coefficients)
warndlg('coefficients must be a numeric input');
error(['coefficients has to be a numeric input']);
% Function beginning:
lambda = sym('lambda');
D = zeros(1,17);
C = sym('c',[1 17]);
for i=1:length(coefficients)
D(i) = coefficients(i);
for i=1:17
C(i) = subs(C(i),D(i))
switch type
case 1
nsquare = 1+C(1)+(C(2).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(3).^2 )+(C(4).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(5).^2 )+(C(6).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(7).^2 )+(C(8).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(9).^2 )+(C(10).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(11).^2 )+(C(12).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(13).^2 )+(C(14).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(15).^2 )+(C(16).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(17).^2 );
case 2
nsquare = 1+C(1)+(C(2).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(3) )+(C(4).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(5) )+(C(6).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(7) )+(C(8).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(9) )+(C(10).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(11) )+(C(12).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(13) )+(C(14).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(15) )+(C(16).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(17) );
case 3
nsquare = C(1)+C(2).*lambda.^(C(3) )+C(4).*lambda.^(C(5) )+C(6).*lambda.^(C(7) )+C(8).*lambda.^(C(9) )+C(10).*lambda.^(C(11) )+C(12).*lambda.^(C(13) )+C(14).*lambda.^(C(15) )+C(16).*lambda.^(C(17) );
case 4
nsquare = C(1)+(C(2).*lambda.^(C(3) ))./(lambda.^2-C(4).^(C(5) ) )+(C(6).*lambda.^(C(7) ))./(lambda.^2-C(8).^(C(9) ) )+C(10).*lambda.^(C(11) )+C(12).*lambda.^(C(13) )+C(14).*lambda.^(C(15) )+C(16).*lambda.^(C(17) );
case 5
nsquare = C(1)+C(2).*lambda.^(C(3) )+C(4).*lambda.^(C(5) )+C(6).*lambda.^(C(7) )+C(8).*lambda.^(C(9) )+C(10).*lambda.^(C(11) );
case 6
nsquare = 1+C(1)+C(2)./(C(3)-lambda.^(-2) )+C(4)./(C(5)-lambda.^(-2) )+C(6)./(C(7)-lambda.^(-2) )+C(8)./(C(9)-lambda.^(-2) )+C(10)./(C(11)-lambda.^(-2) );
case 7
nsquare = C(1)+C(2)./(lambda.^2-0.028)+C(3).*(1./(lambda.^2-0.028)).^2+C(4).*lambda.^2+C(5).*lambda.^4+C(6).*lambda.^6;
case 8
nsquare = 3./(1-(C(1)+(C(2).*lambda.^2)./(lambda.^2-C(3) )+C(4).*lambda.^2))-2;
case 9
nsquare = C(1)+C(2)./(lambda.^2-C(3) )+(C(4).*(lambda-C(5)))./((lambda-C(5)).^2+C(6) );
nsquare = -1;
if D(1)==0
D = D(2:end);
D = D(D~=0);
elseif D(1)~=0
D = D(D~=0);
But when using the subs function in the for loop I get fractional numbers that are not correct or huge numbers that have nothing to do with the original decimal number... Can anybody help with this problem please?


John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2016 年 9 月 13 日
編集済み: John D'Errico 2016 年 9 月 13 日
Sure it does work properly. It is just that a decimal number is not exactly what you think it is. Floating point numbers are not represented exactly in the binary form used to store a number.
x = sym(2.543342)
x =
So MATLAB sym converts it to a fraction, composed of the ratio of integers. Those huge numbers have EVERYTHING to do with the original number. If you want to see the value stored, then use vpa.
ans =
If you REALLY want to store the exact decimal value, then do it like this:
x = sym('2.543342')
x =
subs is no different. It uses the same tools.
  3 件のコメント
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2016 年 9 月 13 日
編集済み: John D'Errico 2016 年 9 月 13 日
NO. I did not say that. You need to understand that the ratio of integers IS the same as the number that you substituted. If you want to convert a result to look like it is in decimal form, then you can use vpa. Or you can use double to convert the result to double precision.
What I am trying to tell you is that
is NOT in fact stored as 2.543342, when it is used as a number. In fact, you cannot store 2.543342 as a decimal number in double precision, because binary storage is used.
x = sym(2.543342);
ans =
I've shown you the closest binary number to the decimal number you want to use. In fact, when you type 2.543342 in matlab, you get the number seen above.
So the symbolic toolbox stores that as a ratio of integers. It can work with integers very well. But floating point numbers are difficult, since they always lose some precision in the least significant bits.
So you can use subs just as you did before. There is no need to convert a double into a string to use subs.
For example:
syms x
y = x + 2;
z = subs(y,x,3.14159)
z =
MATLAB stores the result as a ratio of integers. No problem converting it into a double.
ans =
But is that truly 5.14159?
ans =
No. In fact, it is not exactly what you think it is, but an approximation that looks like you expect, if you rounded it after about 16 decimal digits or so.
In fact, even floating point numbers in symbolic form have limits.
z = subs(y,x,'3.14159')
z =
ans =
So passing it in as a string was still represented using an approximation. (I can't recall the number of binary bits used here. Easy to figure out though.)
To get the full true precision, I could have done this:
z = subs(y,x,'314159/100000')
z =
ans =
The point is, a ratio of integers is not a problem as long as you understand to use double or vpa. Regardless, you need to understand how numbers are stored.
test run
test run 2016 年 9 月 13 日
編集済み: test run 2016 年 9 月 13 日
Thank you for your patience and explanations I understand now what you explained to me. From your answer I see what I have to do and also using vpa helps showing the numbers with a decimal representation. But also the floating point number approximation as a fraction of 2 integers gives a very accurate result. Thank you again for the explanation.


その他の回答 (2 件)

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim 2016 年 9 月 13 日
Are you referring to the C(i)?
How about
C(i) = vpa(subs(C(i),D(i)))

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016 年 9 月 13 日
'r' (default) | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'
"When sym uses the rational mode, it converts floating-point numbers obtained by evaluating expressions of the form p/q, p*pi/q, sqrt(p), 2^q, and 10^q for modest sized integers p and q to the corresponding symbolic form. This effectively compensates for the round-off error involved in the original evaluation, but might not represent the floating-point value precisely. If sym cannot find simple rational approximation, then it uses the same technique as it would use with the flag 'f'."
If you want the symbolic number to be exactly the same value as the binary number you are substituting, then you need to use the 'f' flag:
"When sym uses the floating-point mode, it represents all values in the form N*2^e or -N*2^e, where N >= 0 and e are integers. For example, sym(1/10,'f') returns 3602879701896397/36028797018963968 . The returned rational value is the exact value of the floating-point number that you convert to a symbolic number."
For example,
x = 2.543342; %x becomes a binary floating point number, not a decimal number!
xr = sym(x); %same as sym(x,'r'), xr becomes a symbolic integer ratio that _approximates_ the binary floating point number
xf = sym(x, 'f'); %xf becomes a symbolic integer ratio whose value is exactly the same as the binary floating point number


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