% The minimum data storage requirement formula for a double m x n sparse
% matrix with nnz non-zero elements, including the index data, is as
% follows on a 32-bit system:
% max(nnz(x),1) * (4 + 8) + (size(x,2)+1)*4; % 32-bit
% max(nnz(x),1) * (8 + 8) + (size(x,2)+1)*8; % 64-bit
% nnz * 4 = Storing the row index of the non-zero elements
% nnz * 8 = Storing the non-zero double element values themselves
% (n+1)*4 = Storing the cumulative number of non-zero elements thru column
% For 64-bit systems using 8-byte integers for the indexing you can replace
% the 4's above with 8's.