Assign to certain positions of an entire cell array values from another cell array of the same size
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Dear community,
sorry if this question was answered somewhere but I could not find a solution to exactly this problem and I have not found functions in Matlab that do what I need.
I have a quite simple problem assigning to an entire cell array values from another cell array of the same size. However I want to assign them to a certain and same positions of the cells. I know I can do the for-loop but I want to avoid it.
I have a cell array
a_part{1} = [1; 2; 8];
a_part{2}=[11; 31; 15];
a_part{3} =[2; 4; 8];
and I would like to assign it to another cell array which is of the same size (1x3) but can be empty for example
a_whole = cell(1,3).
However I want to assign these values to certain (same) positions in an entire a_whole, say to rows [1, 3, 5]. I want to get
a_whole{1} = [1;0;2;0;8];
a_whole{2} = [11;0;31;0;15];
a_whole{3} = [2;0;4;0;8]};
I tried the following:
a_whole{:}([1,3,5],:) = a_part;
a_whole(:)([1,3,5],:) = a_part;
[a_whole{:}([1,3,5],:)] = deal(a_part);
I get different error messages but no result. However, this works nicely:
for i=1:3
a_whole{i}([1,3,5],:) = a_part{i};
I hope there is a better solution.
Thanks for help and your time!
0 件のコメント
Andrei Bobrov
2016 年 8 月 24 日
a_part {1} = [1; 2; 8];
a_part {2} = [11; 31; 15];
a_part {3} = [2; 4; 8];
a = zeros(numel(a_part{1})+2,numel(a_part));
a(1:2:end,:) = [a_part{:}];
a_whole = num2cell(a,1);
その他の回答 (1 件)
Azzi Abdelmalek
2016 年 8 月 24 日
a_part{1} = [1; 2; 8];
a_part{2}=[11; 31; 15];
a_part{3} =[2; 4; 8]
a_whole = cell(1,3)
out=cellfun(@(x) [x(1) 0 x(2) 0 x(3)],a_part,'un',0)
3 件のコメント
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