problem with signal dimension

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
manikya valli
manikya valli 2016 年 3 月 21 日
コメント済み: manikya valli 2016 年 3 月 21 日
Hi, I am getting 'index expression out of bounds' error when I compiling my simlink model. It is the problem with signal dimension. In my code q_v and w_bi are of 3x1 matrices but when I compiling simlink model (attached here), it is treating as scalars.Please help me how to specify signal dimension to q_v, w_bi in the following code and corresponding simulink model is attached.
function [q_v_dot, q4_dot,w_bi_dot] = sc_dyn(q_v,q4,w_bi,tau)
I=[0.0027 0 0;0 0.0107 0;0 0 0.0101];
w_bi_dot = inv(I)*(tau - Smtrx(w_bi)*(I*w_bi));
q_v_dot =(1/2)*(q4*eye(3)+Smtrx(q_v))*w_bi;
q4_dot = -(1/2)*q_v'*w_bi;
function S=Smtrx(i)
S = [0 -i(3) i(2);i(3) 0 -i(1);-i(2) i(1) 0];

回答 (1 件)

Vaibhav Awale
Vaibhav Awale 2016 年 3 月 21 日
Hi Manikya,
I do not find any attached model. However to resolve the dimension mismatch error, you can specify the dimensions of your inputs and outputs of MATLAB function block. To do this, you can open "Model Explorer" by pressing "Ctrl-H" or by navigating to "View->Model Explorer-> Model Explorer".
Inside Model Explorer, you can specify the dimension of signals used in MATLAB functions "sc_dyn" and "Smtrx" by navigating to the appropriate MATLAB function block and specifying "Size" of each signal.
I hope this helps.
  1 件のコメント
manikya valli
manikya valli 2016 年 3 月 21 日
Thank you very much. Problem solved


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