Rice grain chalky area
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hello I would like to know how we can calculate chalky/white area in a rice grain? Also i used following matlab code given on matworks site to calculate area of rice grain.Even after removing all small areas with less than 50 pixels it is showing grains with area 1 which is not visible on imshow.Please let me know the solution of these 2 problems. Thanks a lot I=imread('1_1.jpg'); imshow(I) background = imopen(I,strel('disk',15)); I2 = I - background; imshow(I2) %I2=rgb2gray(I2); I3 = imadjust(I2); figure imshow(I3); level = graythresh(I3); bw = im2bw(I3,level); bw = bwareaopen(bw, 30); figure imshow(bw) cc = bwconncomp(bw, 4) cc.NumObjects grain = false(size(bw)); grain(cc.PixelIdxList{50}) = true; figure imshow(grain); graindata = regionprops(cc, 'basic');
grain_areas = [graindata.Area]; [min_area, idx] = min(grain_areas); grain = false(size(bw)); grain(cc.PixelIdxList{idx}) = true; imshow(grain);
2 件のコメント
回答 (1 件)
2016 年 3 月 13 日
2 件のコメント
Asha Deepthi Kothapalli
2022 年 2 月 16 日
May I know if this is solved sir/mam? I am currently working on the same but I get the same category according the percentage of chalkiness I have calculated for both chalky rice and standard rice. I took help from a website but couldn't find a way to solve it. Can you please help me out?
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tic; % Start timer.
captionFontSize = 14;
%% Load the file
fullFileName = "archive\train\Chalky Rice\914.jpg";
%% Convert RGB2Grayscale
originalImage = imread(fullFileName);
originalImage = rgb2gray(originalImage);
subplot(2, 4, 1);
%% Explore the image/data using histogram:
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(originalImage);
subplot(2, 4, 2);
xlim([0 grayLevels(end)]); % Scale x axis manually.
grid on;
thresholdValue = 90; % Choose the threshold value in roder to mask out the background noise.
% Show the threshold as a vertical red bar on the histogram.
hold on;
maxYValue = ylim;
line([thresholdValue, thresholdValue], maxYValue, 'Color', 'r');
annotationText = sprintf('Thresholded at %d gray levels', thresholdValue);
text(double(thresholdValue + 5), double(0.5 * maxYValue(2)), annotationText, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 .5 0]);
text(double(thresholdValue - 70), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Background', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
text(double(thresholdValue + 50), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Foreground', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
%% Get and show binary image
binaryImage = originalImage > thresholdValue;
binaryImage = imfill(binaryImage, 'holes');
% Display the binary image.
subplot(2, 4, 3);
title('Binary Image', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
%% Maskout the background noise
MaskedImage = originalImage;
MaskedImage(~binaryImage) = 0;
subplot(2, 4, 4);
title('Masked Image', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
%% Get the centroid, mean intensity, permieter of the whole seed etc
blobMeasurements = regionprops(binaryImage, originalImage, 'all');
%% Calculate the chalkiness by first exploring the histogram
[pixelCount_1, grayLevels_1] = imhist(MaskedImage);
subplot(2, 4, 5);
xlim([0 grayLevels_1(end)]); % Scale x axis manually.
grid on;
thresholdValue_1 = 180; %% Choose the threshold that segments the chalkiness
binary_MaskedImage = MaskedImage > thresholdValue_1;
binary_MaskedImage = imfill(binary_MaskedImage, 'holes');
% % % Show the threshold as a vertical red bar on the histogram.
hold on;
maxYValue_1 = ylim;
line([thresholdValue_1, thresholdValue_1], maxYValue_1, 'Color', 'r');
annotationText = sprintf('Thresholded at %d gray levels', thresholdValue_1);
text(double(thresholdValue_1 + 5), double(0.5 * maxYValue_1(2)), annotationText, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 .5 0]);
text(double(thresholdValue_1 - 70), double(0.94 * maxYValue_1(2)), 'Background', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
text(double(thresholdValue_1 + 50), double(0.94 * maxYValue_1(2)), 'Foreground', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
%% Display the binary Masked image.
subplot(2, 4, 6);
title('Binary Masked Image', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
%% Get the centroid, mean intensity, permieter of the chlky area
blobMeasurements_subblobs = regionprops(binary_MaskedImage, originalImage, 'all');
% Plot the borders of all the seeds on the original grayscale image using the coordinates returned by bwboundaries.
subplot(2, 4, 7);
axis image; % Make sure image is not artificially stretched because of screen's aspect ratio.
hold on;
boundaries = bwboundaries(binaryImage);
numberOfBoundaries = size(boundaries, 1);
for k = 1 : numberOfBoundaries
thisBoundary = boundaries{k};
plot(thisBoundary(:,2), thisBoundary(:,1), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2);
boundaries_Masked = bwboundaries(binary_MaskedImage);
numberOfBoundaries_Masked = size(boundaries_Masked, 1);
for k = 1 : numberOfBoundaries_Masked
thisBoundary_Masked = boundaries_Masked{k};
plot(thisBoundary_Masked(:,2), thisBoundary_Masked(:,1), 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold off;
%% Overlay the chalky area on the original image
subplot(2, 4, 8);
%% Chalkiness
Sum_Subblobs_Perimeter = sum([blobMeasurements_subblobs(1:end).Perimeter]);
Sum_Blobs_Perimeter = sum([blobMeasurements(1:end).Perimeter]);
if Percentage_Chalkiness<10
fprintf('<strong> This belongs to category 1 </strong>\n')
elseif (Percentage_Chalkiness>10)&&(Percentage_Chalkiness<25)
fprintf('<strong> This belongs to category 2 </strong>\n')
elseif (Percentage_Chalkiness>25)&&(Percentage_Chalkiness<50)
fprintf('<strong> This belongs to category 3 </strong>\n')
elseif (Percentage_Chalkiness>50)&&(Percentage_Chalkiness<75)
fprintf('<strong> This belongs to category 4 </strong>\n')
elseif (Percentage_Chalkiness>75)&&(Percentage_Chalkiness<100)
fprintf('<strong> This belongs to category 5 </strong>\n')
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