how to run a while loop as long as the time parameter input is not exceeded?
6 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi guys,
i would like to run a heuristic algorithm calculating better solutions over time... and i would like the user to tell how long the programm shall run and then return the best solution found within this time.
How can i realize it with a while loop over the pseudo-code it shall look like this:
while running_time_of_the_algorithm < user_input_time
....calculating solutions and overwriting them in the variable " best_solution "
% here i can just access the best solution after exceeding the time
i know how that measuring time can be done using the commands "tic" and "toc" ... is it realizable with them or are there any other efficient solutions?
i would be very glad for your help!
best regards,
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回答 (1 件)
2015 年 12 月 11 日
編集済み: arich82
2015 年 12 月 11 日
There are probably more elegant solutions using timer objects, but if the code is reasonably simple (no single function takes too much time, no parfor), then you can get a quick-and-dirty solution using tic and toc:
user_input_time = 3;
count = 0; count_max = 1e9;
while (toc < user_input_time) && (count < count_max) % always include a failsafe!
count = count + 1;
Again, this is only reasonable if the while loop cycles quickly; if you specify 5 seconds but each loop takes 4 seconds, it won't kick out until 8 seconds have passed (i.e. the next time toc is evaluated).
(Incidentally, my computer returns 7558253 after 3 seconds.)
Please accept this answer if it helps, or let me know in the comments if your situation requires a more nuanced timing loop.
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