
Why simulink creates sine wave for 10 seconds?

5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Rafet 2015 年 10 月 9 日
回答済み: richardxie xie 2020 年 2 月 6 日
I am very new to simulink, and trying to construct simple block diagrams with mathmatical operators. When I add a sine wave block and a scope block it creates a 10 seconds signal, I can alternate the frequency and amplitude but I cannot increase the total time being displayed.
How can I display this signal for instance 20 seconds?
Thanks in advance,

回答 (2 件)

Rafet 2015 年 10 月 9 日
Sorry for bothering, I found it.
It is not related with the sine wave, it is simulation time which can be defined from the "simulation stop time" box on model window.
By setting the simulation stop time to any number it displays signals for that duration.

richardxie xie
richardxie xie 2020 年 2 月 6 日
thank you!


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