MATLAB Homework
12 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Can someone help me with this homework? I'm extremely new to MATLAB and have no idea how to do this.
1)Solve the equation Ax=b and answer the following questions
Where A=[1 2 3 4; 4 2 3 1; 4 3 1 5; 4 3 2 5]
b=[1; 2; 3; 4]
a)What are the dimensions of the x vector?
b)What is the solution vector?
2)Using the same A calculate A-transpose
a)What are the dimensions of A-transpose?
b) What i the A-transpose vector?
1 件のコメント
2011 年 11 月 30 日
Reading the Getting Started chapters of the documentation is a good idea. All necessary basics are explained there.
回答 (2 件)
Image Analyst
2011 年 11 月 30 日
Hint: look up the size() function. And I'm sure if you looked up transpose in the help you'd find the apostrophe operator. A transposed would be another array, not a vector.
Rushi Auti
2020 年 7 月 28 日
A=[1 2 3 4; 4 2 3 1; 4 3 1 5; 4 3 2 5];
b=[1; 2; 3; 4];
x = b/A
P = A';
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