I think you don't need this anymore, but maybe someone will searching for the solution. Here is the code:
function [childA, childB] = crossover(parentA, parentB) n = length(parentA); childA = zeros(1,n); childB = zeros(1,n); x1 = randperm(n,1); x2 = randperm(n-x1,1)+x1; childA(x1:x2) = parentB(x1:x2); childB(x1:x2) = parentA(x1:x2);
for i = 1:x2-x1+1 mapRelation(1:2,i)=[childA(x1+i-1), childB(x1+i-1)]; end
for i = 1:x1-1 if(length(find(childA == parentA(i))) < 1) childA(i) = parentA(i); end if(length(find(childB == parentB(i))) < 1) childB(i) = parentB(i); end end
for i = x2+1:n if(isempty(find(childA == parentA(i),1))) childA(i) = parentA(i); end if(isempty(find(childB == parentB(i),1))) childB(i) = parentB(i); end end
while(~isempty(find(childA == 0,1))) mapA = mapRelation; i = find(childA == 0,1); v = parentA(i); while (~isempty(find(mapA == v,1))) [j, k] = find(mapA == v,1); if (j == 1) v = mapA(2,k); else v = mapA(1,k); end mapA(:,k) = []; end childA(i) = v; end
while(~isempty(find(childB == 0,1))) mapB = mapRelation; i = find(childB == 0,1); v = parentB(i); while (~isempty(find(mapB == v,1))) [j, k] = find(mapB == v,1); if (j == 1) v = mapB(2,k); else v = mapB(1,k); end mapB(:,k) = []; end childB(i) = v; end end