There are 3 main points to consider about the Bazel build environment that interfere with how polyspace-configure works.
1) Bazel is a client/server build system.
The bazel client command connects to a daemon and waits for the latter to perform the build. The daemon caches previous build results. When the daemon is already started (the nominal case) polyspace-configure sniffs only the client and comes back empty-handed.
- Symptoms in the polyspace-configure log:
- polyspace-configure reports that no compilation units were found.
- Solution:
- Stop the server to force the client command to start it again. In this case, the daemon is a child process of the client command and is sniffed by polyspace-configure alongside all compilation processes.
- Run the following command in the directory containing the WORKSPACE file before polyspace-configure to force a full build and kill the daemon:
bazel clean –-expunge
2) Bazel dynamically probes gcc for supported options
Bazel calls gcc on a dummy file with various options (e.g. "-fcolorized-diagnostics") to check which ones are supported. This confuses polyspace-configure that thinks is a genuine source file and that the options probed are valid.
- Symptoms in the polyspace-configure log:
- Warning and error when polyspace-configure reinvokes gcc with unsupported options.
- Warning because was detected several times
- Solution:
- Pass "-exclude-sources" to polyspace-configure
3) Bazel calls compilers in a sandbox environment by default
Bazel copies source files in a temporary directory, turns it into a sandbox, and deletes this directory when the build completes.
- Symptoms in the polyspace-configure log:
- polyspace-configure does not find any source file (besides the aforementioned because the sandbox directories are gone.
- There is no diagnostic by default but enabling -debug shows the issue.
- Solution:
- Pass "–-spawn_strategy standalone" to Bazel to disable sandboxes.
Tutorial showing the procedure to sniff a Bazel build:
This tutorial was validated on Debian 11 with Bazel 8.0.1
- Install Bazel on Linux.
- Download or clone the Bazel C++ tutorial repository from
- Enter the correct directory: cd examples/cpp-tutorial/stage1
- Clean the build files and stop the Bazel server: bazel clean --expunge
- Run polyspace-configure: polyspace-configure -exclude-sources bazel build –-spawn_strategy standalone //main:hello-world
- Repeat previous steps for stage2 and stage3
Additional notes:
- Bazel emits a “ignoring LD_PRELOAD in the environment” warning but polyspace-configure can work around this.
- Make sure to use a local daemon rather than a remote one.