I am no mathematician but I reasoned, once the M3 matrix is calculated, and the values of the camera responses converted to XYZ, before the Lab / DeltaE color differences are computed, why not "peek" into the XYZ values? So that's what I did in the following, by copying the XYZ values into a Temporary variable, for later convert to sRGB to display on my monitor :
pxyz3 = (M3*trgb3')';
Temp = pxyz3;
Original = xyz2srgb_D50(Temp);
Original255 = Original*255;
Original_img = reshape(Original, 14, 10, 3);
resized_orginal = imresize(Original_img, [14*200, 10*200], 'nearest');
rotated_image = rot90(resized_orginal);
flipped_vertical = flipud(rotated_image);
The result is "perfect" :
Still. I'm unlcear as two what is that I'm doing that does not give me these results when I process the image through the same M3 matric?