Suppose I have a system of equations:
Solve for Y and E in terms of R
sol = solve([eq1,eq2],[Y,E]);
Make an equation to show the solutions for Y and E
eqn = [Y == sol.Y;E == sol.E]
eqn =
But Y, R, G, and E are all really functions of s, so
eqn = subs(eqn)
eqn =
1. Why did E in eqn(2) not get converted to E(s)?
2. Is there a way to define all of the R(s),E(s),G(s),Y(s) as symfun from the start and simultaneously solve eq1 and eq2 directly for Y(s) and E(s)? @doc:solve doesn't work (or at least I couldn't figure it out) with equations of symfun objects, and @doc:isolate only works with scalar expressions. I looked at using @doc:mapSymType to temporarily convert the symfun objects in eq1 and eq2 to sym, then @doc:solve, then convert back to symfun, but that path looked a bit tortuous.