Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. this is my code.
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
numberElements=2; %no. of elements in system
numberNodes=3; %no. of nodes in system
dofNode =1; %degrees of freedom per node
nodesEl =2; %nodes per element
dofEl =2; %degrees of freedom per element
elementNodes=[1 2;2 3]; %element node numbers
nodeCoordinates=[0 0;75 0;125 0]; %nodal coordinates
bcDof = [0; 125]; %boundary condition locations
A = [8;4]; %element area data
E = [25000000;25000000]; %element elasticity data
alpha = [0.0000011;0.0000011]; %element conductivity data
deltaT = [0;0]; %element temp. change data
P = [0;15000;0]; %nodal loading vector
L = [75;50]; %element length vector
xx=nodeCoordinates(:,1); %generates nodal x coordinates
yy=nodeCoordinates(:,2); %generates nodal y coordinates
sysDof = dofNode*numberNodes; %number of DOFs in the system
noConstraints = length(bcDof); %number of constrained nodes
K = zeros(sysDof,sysDof); %Initialised global stiffness
F = zeros(sysDof,1); %Initialised element force vector
%element loop
for e = 1:numberElements
AEL = A(e)*E(e)/L(e); %definition
AEalphDeltT = A(e)*E(e)*alpha(e)*deltaT(e); %definition
ke = AEL*[1 -1;-1 1 ]; %ke
fe = AEalphDeltT*[-1;1]; %element forces
gDof = elementNodes(e,:); %global DOFs for element
%system row loop
for i=1:dofEl
F(gDof(i))=F(gDof(i))+fe(i); %global element forces
%system column loop
for j=1:dofEl
fs='%s %d %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %d'; %format spec (1st input in sprintf)
sprintf(fs,'e =',e,', i =',i,', j =',j,': GDof(i) =',gDof(i),', GDof(j) =',gDof(j));
% sprintf is used to display the current values in loop
K(gDof(i),gDof(j)) = K(gDof(i),gDof(j))+ke(i,j); %global K
for c = 1:noConstraints
i = bcDof(c); %current boundary condition being applied
j = bcDof(c); %current boundary condition being applied
K(i,:) = 0; %replace stiffness terms in row i with zero
K(:,j) = 0; %replace stiffness terms in row j with zero
F(i) = 0; %replace force terms in row j with zero
PF = F+P; %add up force vectors
activeDof=setdiff(1:sysDof,bcDof); %produce a list of active DOFs
Kr = K(activeDof,activeDof); %form reduced stiffness matrix
Fr = PF(activeDof); %form reduced force vector
U = Kr\Fr; %solve for displacements
uFinal = zeros(sysDof,1); %preallocating displacement vector
for j = 1:size(activeDof,2)
uIndex = activeDof(j); %index for active DOF
uFinal(uIndex) = U(j); %allocating displacement vector according to active system DOF
nodalForce = K*uFinal; %nodal force
elementForce = zeros(numberElements,dofEl); %preallocating force matri
for e = 1:numberElements
sprintf('Element = %d',e); %displays current element
AEL = A(e)*E(e)/L(e); %definition
AEalphDeltT = A(e)*E(e)*alpha(e)*deltaT(e); %definition
ke = AEL*[1 -1;-1 1 ]; %element stiffness
fe = AEalphDeltT*[-1;1]; %element force
gDof = elementNodes(e,:); %call global DOFs for current element
cDofStart = gDof(1); %call 1st global DOF for current element
cDofEnd = gDof(end); %call last global DOF for current element
uCurrent = uFinal(cDofStart:cDofEnd); %displacements for current elements
elementForce(e,:) = ke*uCurrent; %element individual members force matrix
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回答 (1 件)
2024 年 12 月 2 日
Hi @Chingann
The problem arises from the way bcDof is defined. The variable bcDof is supposed to contain indices of the degrees of freedom (DOFs) that are constrained. However, in your code, bcDof is defined as [0; 125], which includes zero.
Using i = bcDof(1), where i comes out to be 0, and indexing with i=0 into K leads to the above error. Because, MATLAB uses 1-based indexing, so zero is not a valid index.
You should ensure that the bcDof contains indices that correspond to the nodes' DOFs you want to constrain.
Hope it helps.
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