I need help creating the snake game in matlab for a personal project.

20 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Uzayr 2024 年 11 月 13 日
コメント済み: Voss 2024 年 12 月 10 日
Hello, I am creating the snake game in which the user has to click the left, right, up and down arrow keys to move the direction of the snake, and when it moves over the food icon, it increases in size. I just started learning Matlab 2 months ago in school and I wanted to challenge myself by creating this game. Currently I think I have the code to create a 20x20 axis in which it randomly plots the snake and food, and I think I have the code for the key press functions to move the snake. I also have code to make it so that when the snake's x or y values touches the borders that it turns off the while loop by setting alive=false. However, it is giving me a couple errors, and honestly I feel like i did the keypress part incorrectly. I will paste the code below for anyone to give suggestions because I really need it. Most of what I used in this code was self taught so if I did something wrong I apologize in advance. Cheers!
%% Snake.m
% Creates the snake game
% By: Anonymous
%% perameters
axis([0, 20, 0, 20]);
snakex = randi([1,19],1);
snakey = randi([1,19],1);
foodx = randi([1,19],1);
foody = randi([1,19],1);
alive = true;
while alive == true
Food = plot(foodx,foody,'db'); hold("on");
Snake = plot(snakex,snakey,'og'); pause(0.1); hold("on");
grid("on"); axis("tight"); axis([0, 20, 0, 20])
% Below is the keypress code and the main cause for confusion!
set(gcf, 'KeyPressFcn', @processKey)
function processKey(~,evnt)
Function definitions are not supported in this context. Functions can only be created as local or nested functions in code files.
if length(evnt.Key) >= 1
switch evnt.Key
case 'leftarrow'
snakex = snakex - 1;
LastInput = left;
case 'rightarrow'
snakex = snakex + 1;
LastInput = right;
case 'downarrow'
snakey = snakey - 1;
LastInput = down;
case 'uparrow'
snakey = snakey + 1;
LastInput = up;
if LastInput == left
snakex = snakex - 1;
elseif LastInput == right
snakex = snakex + 1;
elseif LastInput == down
snakey = snakey - 1;
elseif LastInput == up
snakey = snakey + 1;
if snakex == 0
alive = false;
if snakex == 20
alive = false;
if snakey == 0
alive = false;
if snakey == 20
alive = false;


Voss 2024 年 11 月 13 日
"Function definitions are not supported in this context. Functions can only be created as local or nested functions in code files."
Like the error message says, function definitions are not supported inside control blocks (if, else, while, for, etc.). You'd have to define the function processKey outside any control block in your script.
Since your intent is for processKey to set variables that need to be accessed within the while loop of the script (snakex, snakey, LastInput), it is convenient to make processKey a nested function (which requires making your script into a function) since nested functions share variables with their parent function.
Some construction as follows might be close to what you had in mind:
function snake_game()
fig = figure();
% Only need to set the figure's KeyPressFcn once, before the while loop.
% (processKey() will be called whenever the user presses a key while the
% figure has focus.)
set(fig, 'KeyPressFcn', @processKey)
axis([0, 20, 0, 20]);
snakex = randi([1,19],1);
snakey = randi([1,19],1);
foodx = randi([1,19],1);
foody = randi([1,19],1);
alive = true;
% initialize LastInput here in the parent function so that
% processKey can modify it
LastInput = '';
while alive
Food = plot(foodx,foody,'db'); hold("on");
Snake = plot(snakex,snakey,'og'); pause(0.1); hold("on");
grid("on"); axis("tight"); axis([0, 20, 0, 20])
if snakex == 0
alive = false;
if snakex == 20
alive = false;
if snakey == 0
alive = false;
if snakey == 20
alive = false;
function processKey(~,evnt)
if length(evnt.Key) >= 1
switch evnt.Key
case 'leftarrow'
snakex = snakex - 1;
LastInput = 'left';
case 'rightarrow'
snakex = snakex + 1;
LastInput = 'right';
case 'downarrow'
snakey = snakey - 1;
LastInput = 'down';
case 'uparrow'
snakey = snakey + 1;
LastInput = 'up';
switch LastInput
case 'left'
snakex = snakex - 1;
case 'right'
snakex = snakex + 1;
case 'down'
snakey = snakey - 1;
case 'up'
snakey = snakey + 1;
  8 件のコメント
Uzayr 2024 年 12 月 10 日
Okay that makes a lot more sense. I am very thankful for your help yet again and I really appreciate you explaining my questions for me. Like I said, im still relatively new to matlab so I really appreciate your help. I am pretty satisfied with the code as it stands, the only thing I may try to add on is having the snake automatically move so you don't need to hold down an arrow key or keep pressing it and also a score system as well as having highscores. I will try to experiment with that on my own. Thanks for all your help throughout the project!
Voss 2024 年 12 月 10 日
You're welcome!


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