Hi, I just started practicing CWT function included in the Wavelet Toolbox, and I encountered a very weird situation.
Probably I totally misunderstood the CWT function because of lack of mathematical background, so.... I'd like to ask you some help.
I got an output matrix W from a time series X (complex number) by using CWT function as below:
X = 3*exp(1i*2*pi*1/T*t);
[W, period, coi] = cwt(X, days(1));
And the real parts of the results are like this:
I think the X2 from the inverse transform of a single row has a reduced amplitude because I ignored other "spreading" signals in W (like 47th and 49th rows). Is this correct?
And Xj includes a small boundary effect at both ends, but shows almost equal amplitudes to X that I intended.
So I thought that each j-th row of matrix W represented the oscillatory component of X at the j-th frequency, and that X3 = sum(W(:,:,1), 1) should be almost equal to X.
But of course, it was not; X4 = icwt(W) was the closest solution to X.
Here I found a very weird pattern:
The ratio Xj ./ X2 was always about 4.7273... (blue line in the third panel), and X3./X also converges to the same value (red).
I also tested other cases changing the length of data, or using more complicated time series, but I get the same ratio from Xj/X2 and X3/X.
What is this number come from? And why is this number constant?!
Is this like a scaling factor of 2/length(data) in FFT?
I really appreciate if anyone can explain the meaning of each row of W and scaling factor of inverse transform....
Thank you in advance.