Function behaves unexpectedly on array inputs. To improve performance, properly vectorize your function to return an output with the same size and shape as the input arguments
4 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Why am I getting the warning?
EDIT: removed VER information.
%% Hill equation
% Rate = Vmax * S^n / (K^n + S^n)
hill = @(S,Vmax,K,n) Vmax*S^n / (K^n + S^n);
%Check Michaelis Menton Function using S, Vmax=1, Km=0.1, and n=1)
hill_1 = @(S) hill(S, 1, 0.1, 1);
fplot(hill_1, [0,3])
0 件のコメント
Swastik Sarkar
2024 年 9 月 25 日
While the formula is correct, the MATLAB code provided works well for scalar values but requires element-wise operations when working with matrices. By default, MATLAB assumes matrix operations on the variables. To address the warning encountered, the code should be modified as follows:
% Note element-wise operations
hill = @(S,Vmax,K,n) Vmax .* S.^n ./ (K.^n + S.^n);
% Check Michaelis-Menten Function using S, Vmax=1, Km=0.1, and n=1
hill_1 = @(S) hill(S, 1, 0.1, 1);
% Plot the function
fplot(hill_1, [0, 3])
Further information can be found in the following documentation::
Hope this helps.
3 件のコメント
Swastik Sarkar
2024 年 10 月 1 日
I'm glad that this answer helped you! Please consider accepting the answer next time so that others in the community can benefit from it as well.
その他の回答 (0 件)
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