Why do I still have these resonances in the lower frequences in the spectrograma and how do get rid of them in my fdn reverb?

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hello, as in the title I have problems with resonances in lower frequences and it makes the sound terrible. What exactly is the problem in my code? My code + spectrogram is attached below. I would really appreciate some help.
What I already tried: I tried to change the matrix to a hadamard and also tried to change the delay lines: smaller, bigger whatever i try its the same. Only the resonances change in frequences. The low pass filter I implemented already cut 95% of the resonances.
Heres my code and the spectrogram:
Code for plotting:
[x, fs] = audioread('Hier ist es.wav');
x = x(1:fs*1);
Nx = length(x);
nsc = 100;
nov = floor(nsc/2);
nff = max(256,2^nextpow2(nsc));
% maxerr = max(abs(abs(t(:))-abs(x(:))));
ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
xlabel("Time (s)")
title("Spectrogram delta impulse")
As you can see, in the frequences of 6850,4900,3100,2200 and 2400 for example there are horizontal lines, which I guess are resonances?
classdef FDNreverb2 < audioPlugin
preDelayT = 0; % pre delay [ms]
reverbTime = 3.0; % reverb time [s]
roomSize = 15;
mix = 65; % mix of wet and dry signal [Percent], 100 % -> only wet
order = enumFDNorder.order8; % order of FDN, should be power of 2
in_coeff = 1/2; % coeff for in and output lines --- just for now one value for all
out_coeff = 0.6;
properties (Access = private)
N = 8; % order of FDN
a = 1.1; % multiplying factor for delays
cSound = 343.2; % speed of sound
primeDelays = [2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 ...
67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131];
% following values have to be set manually for Interface
maxPreDelay = 0.2; % max pre delay [s] (200ms)
maxRoomSize = 20.0; % max room size [m]
% following variables initialized in reset method
fs; % sample rate
A; % feedback matrix
b; % input gain coefficients
c; % output gain coefficients
f; % feedback lines after matrix
v; % signal before delay - v_i(n) = b_i * x(n) + f_i(n)
s; % output lines
d; % signal to be sent to matrix A
buffDelayLines; % buffer delay lines, initialized in reset method
m; % delay in samples of each delay line
g; % gain coefficients of delay lines
maxDelay; % maximum delay in delay lines
buffInput; % input buffer for pre delay
pBuffDelayLines; % pointer for delay lines buffer
pBuffInput; % pointer for input buffer
preDelayS; % preDelay in samples
PluginInterface = audioPluginInterface( ...
audioPluginParameter('preDelayT', ...
'DisplayName', 'Pre Delay [ms]', ...
'Mapping', {'int', 0, 200}, ...
'Style', 'rotary', ...
'Layout', [1,1]), ...
audioPluginParameter('roomSize', ...
'DisplayName', 'Room Size [m]', ...
'Mapping', {'lin', 1.0, 20.0}, ...
'Style', 'rotary', ...
'Layout', [1,2]), ...
audioPluginParameter('reverbTime', ...
'DisplayName', 'Reverb Time [s]', ...
'Mapping', {'lin', 0.1, 5.0}, ...
'Style', 'rotary', ...
'Layout', [1,3]), ...
audioPluginParameter('order', ...
'DisplayName', 'Order of FDN', ...
'Mapping', {'enum', '8', '16', '32'}, ...
'Layout', [3,2]), ...
audioPluginParameter('in_coeff', ...
'DisplayName', 'Input Gain', ...
'Mapping', {'lin', 0.0, 1.0}, ...
'Style', 'rotary', ...
'Layout', [3,3]), ...
audioPluginParameter('out_coeff', ...
'DisplayName', 'Output Gain', ...
'Mapping', {'lin', 0.0, 1.0}, ...
'Style', 'rotary', ...
'Layout', [3,4]), ...
audioPluginParameter('mix', ...
'DisplayName', 'Mix', ...
'Mapping', {'int', 0, 100}, ...
'Style', 'rotary', ...
'Layout', [3,1]), ...
audioPluginGridLayout( ...
'RowHeight', [100 100 100 100 100 100], ...
'ColumnWidth',[100, 100 100 100 100 100], ...
'RowSpacing', 10, ...
'ColumnSpacing', 10, ...
'Padding', [10 10 10 10]) ...
function plugin = FDNreverb
function out = process(plugin, in)
out = zeros(size(in));
%Butterworth coefficients
[bx, ax] = butter(2, 3000/(plugin.fs/2)); % 2. Ordnung, Grenzfrequenz 1000 Hz
b0 = bx(1);
b1 = bx(2);
b2 = bx(3);
a1 = ax(2);
a2 = ax(3);
rawVn(1) = b0*plugin.v(1);
rawVn(2) = b0*plugin.v(2) + b1*plugin.v(1) - a1* rawVn(1);
% Initialize the previous output for the filter
prevY = zeros(plugin.N, 1);
for i = 1:size(in,1)
% Summieren der L/R - Kan�le
inL = in(i,1);
inR = in(i,2);
inSum = (inL + inR)/2;
plugin.buffInput(plugin.pBuffInput + 1) = inSum;
% loop over delay lines
for n=1:plugin.N
% d_n = gain * delayed v_n
for k=1:plugin.N
plugin.d(k) = plugin.g(k) * plugin.buffDelayLines(k, mod(plugin.pBuffDelayLines + plugin.m(k), plugin.maxDelay +1) + 1);
% f_n = A(n,:) * d'
plugin.f(n) = plugin.A(n,:) * plugin.d(:);
% v_n with pre delay
rawVn = plugin.b(n) * plugin.buffInput(mod(plugin.pBuffInput + plugin.preDelayS, (plugin.maxPreDelay * plugin.fs + 1)) + 1) + plugin.f(n);
% Filter anwenden
plugin.v(n) = b0 * rawVn + b1 * plugin.v_prev1(n) + b2 * plugin.v_prev2(n) ...
- a1 * plugin.v_filt_prev1(n) - a2 * plugin.v_filt_prev2(n);
% Update der vorherigen Filterwerte
plugin.v_prev2(n) = plugin.v_prev1(n);
plugin.v_prev1(n) = rawVn;
plugin.v_filt_prev2(n) = plugin.v_filt_prev1(n);
plugin.v_filt_prev1(n) = plugin.v(n);
plugin.buffDelayLines(n, plugin.pBuffDelayLines + 1) = plugin.v(n);
% output lines
plugin.s(n) = plugin.c(n) * plugin.d(n);
out(i,:) = out(i,:) + real(plugin.s(n));
% Assign to output
out(i,1) = plugin.mix/100 * out(i,1) + (1.0 - plugin.mix/100) * in(i,1);
out(i,2) = plugin.mix/100 * out(i,2) + (1.0 - plugin.mix/100) * in(i,2);
function calculatePointer(plugin)
if (plugin.pBuffDelayLines==0)
plugin.pBuffDelayLines = plugin.maxDelay;
plugin.pBuffDelayLines = plugin.pBuffDelayLines - 1;
if (plugin.pBuffInput==0)
plugin.pBuffInput = plugin.maxPreDelay * plugin.fs;
plugin.pBuffInput = plugin.pBuffInput - 1;
function set.in_coeff(plugin, val)
plugin.in_coeff = val;
plugin.b = ones(plugin.N,1) * val;
function set.out_coeff(plugin, val)
plugin.out_coeff = val;
plugin.c = ones(plugin.N,1) * val;
function set.order(plugin, val)
plugin.order = val;
switch (plugin.order)
case enumFDNorder.order8
plugin.N = 8;
case enumFDNorder.order16
plugin.N = 16;
case enumFDNorder.order32
plugin.N = 32;
function set.reverbTime(plugin, val)
plugin.reverbTime = val;
calculateGainCoeffs(plugin, plugin.reverbTime)
%sprintf('Set Reverb Time: %f', plugin.reverbTime)
%disp(['Set Reverb Time: ', num2str(plugin.reverbTime), ' s.']);
function set.preDelayT(plugin, val)
plugin.preDelayT = val;
calculatePreDelayS(plugin, plugin.preDelayT)
%disp(['Set Predelay: ', int2str(plugin.preDelayT), ' ms.']);
function set.mix(plugin, val)
plugin.mix = val;
%disp(['Set Mix value: ', int2str(plugin.mix), ' %.']);
function calculateMatrix(plugin)
plugin.A = 1*generateFDNmatrix(plugin.N);
function calculateDelays(plugin)
% % calculate sample delays dependent on room size (val) and
% % sample rate (fs)
% % m_1 = trace of sound / cSound * fs
M = ceil(0.15 * plugin.reverbTime * plugin.fs);
% %disp(['M = ', int2str(M)]);
plugin.m = zeros(plugin.N,1);
interval = M/(plugin.N*4);
%test = 0;
for i=1:plugin.N
tmp = interval/2 + (i-1) * interval;
e = floor(0.5 + log(tmp)/log(plugin.primeDelays(i)));
plugin.m(i) = plugin.primeDelays(i)^(e);
function calculateGainCoeffs(plugin, val)
for i=1:plugin.N
plugin.g(i) = 10^((-3) * (plugin.m(i)/plugin.fs) / val);
% Frequenzabhängige Dämpfung für tiefe Frequenzen
cutoff_freq = 3000; % z.B. 3000 Hz als Grenzfrequenz
for i = 1:plugin.N
freq = plugin.fs / plugin.m(i); % Frequenz der Verzögerungslinie
if freq < cutoff_freq
plugin.g(i) = plugin.g(i) * 0.5; % Dämpfe Gain für tiefe Frequenzen
function calculatePreDelayS(plugin, val)
plugin.preDelayS = val * plugin.fs / 1000;
function init(plugin)
plugin.fs = getSampleRate(plugin);
% initialize buffDelayLines & pointer
%plugin.maxDelay = floor(plugin.maxRoomSize/plugin.cSound * plugin.fs * plugin.a^(plugin.N)); %probably higher than actual max delay as actual delays get rounded down
%plugin.maxDelay = ceil(0.15 * 5 * plugin.fs); % maximum possible delay for max reverb time = 5s
plugin.maxDelay = 131^2;
plugin.buffDelayLines = zeros(plugin.N, plugin.maxDelay + 1);
plugin.pBuffDelayLines = plugin.maxDelay;
%initialize filter elements
plugin.v_prev1 = zeros(plugin.N,1);
plugin.v_prev2 = zeros(plugin.N,1);
plugin.v_filt_prev2 = zeros(plugin.N,1);
plugin.v_filt_prev1 = zeros(plugin.N,1);
% initialize
plugin.A = zeros(plugin.N);
plugin.b = ones(plugin.N,1) * plugin.in_coeff; % input gain coefficients
plugin.c = ones(plugin.N,1) * plugin.out_coeff; % output gain coefficients
plugin.f = zeros(plugin.N,1); % feedback lines after matrix
plugin.v = zeros(plugin.N,1); % signal before delay - v_i(n) = b_i * x(n) + f_i(n)
plugin.s = zeros(plugin.N,1); % output lines
plugin.d = zeros(plugin.N,1); % signal to be sent fsto matrix A
plugin.m = zeros(plugin.N,1); % delay in samples of each delay line
plugin.g = zeros(plugin.N,1); % gain coefficients of delay lines
plugin.buffInput = zeros((plugin.maxPreDelay * plugin.fs) + 1, 1); % input buffer for pre delay, 0.2 = max pre delay of 200ms
plugin.preDelayS = 0; % pre delay in samples
plugin.pBuffInput = plugin.maxPreDelay * plugin.fs; % pointer for input buffer
% calculate sample delays of delay lines
% calculate gain coeffs of delay lines
calculateGainCoeffs(plugin, plugin.reverbTime)
% calculate FDN matrix based on set order
function reset(plugin)
function generateFDNmatrix(order)
% generates FDN matrix with evenly distributed eigenvalues at
% the unit circle
eig_nr = order/2;
FDNmatrix = zeros(order, order);
M = orth((rand(order,order)));
BC_n = zeros(order, order, eig_nr);
DtD_n = zeros(order, order, eig_nr);
k1 = 1;
for k=2:2:eig_nr*2
x = M(:,k-1);
y = M(:,k);
x = x / sqrt(2);
y = y / sqrt(2);
B = x * x.';
C = y * y.';
D = x * y.';
BC_n(1:order,1:order,k1) = B + C;
DtD_n(1:order,1:order,k1) = D.' - D;
w = pi * k / (eig_nr * 2 + 2);
temp = 2 * BC_n(:,:,k1) * cos(w) + 2 * DtD_n(:,:,k1) * sin(w);
FDNmatrix = FDNmatrix + temp;
k1 = k1 + 1;

回答 (1 件)

Ayush 2024 年 10 月 16 日
I understand that you are implementing a Feedback Delay Network (FDN) reverb, and you’re experiencing issues with resonances at specific lower frequencies. This is a common challenge with FDN reverbs due to the nature of the delay lines and feedback matrix.
Here are some suggestions to address the resonances:
  1. Feedback matrix: you can try using normalized Hadamard matrix or another orthogonal matrix like householder or givens rotation matrix.
  2. The choice of prime numbers for delay line lengths is good for decorrelation, but the specific choice can still lead to resonances. You can try experimenting with different sets of prime numbers or slightly perturb the delays to break up resonant patterns.
  3. You can try adding a spectral shaping stage after the FDN processing to further smoothen out resonances. This could be a dynamic EQ.
  4. You can use a multi-band filter or a more complex damping curve to dampen high frequencies.
Here’s one addon, you can try implementing a simple orthogonal matrix for the feedback matrix using QR decomposition.
Here’s the code for your reference:
function generateFDNmatrix(plugin)
% Create an orthogonal matrix using QR decomposition
[Q, ~] = qr(randn(plugin.N));
plugin.A = Q;
You can also try adjusting the window size (nsc), overlap (nov) and FFT points (nff) to get a clearer picture of the frequency content.
To read more aboutqr decomposition, you can refer here: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/qr.html
Hope it helps!


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