Data Reshape for Contour Plot
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I'm facing a few problems while data reshaping. I have velocity values in a cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z) . The values are at the surface of a cylinder with a defined radius.
Therefore a transformation into cylinder coordinates to plot the data as 2D contour (Angle and Height) is suitable.
My Problem is that I have all the necessary data in the file 'TransformedData.txt' but it is not the required format for contourf.
I tried to reshape the data inspired by this post: ( but it's still not working.
clc,close all
% Data Transformation
x=xlsread(filename,'A3:A36003');% Cartesian Coordinate x
y=xlsread(filename,'B3:B36003');% Cartesian Coordinate y
z=xlsread(filename,'C3:C36003');% Cartesian Coordinate z
ZData=xlsread(filename,'D3:D36003');% Velocity Value v
[theta,rho,z] = cart2pol(x,y,z);% Coordinate Transformation from Cartesian to Clyinder Coordinate System
A=[theta,rho,z,ZData];% Array with Transformed Data
writematrix(A,'TransformedData.txt','Delimiter',' ');
type TransformedData.txt;
% Data Reshape
Data = load('TransformedData.txt');
[Du,D1] = unique(Data(:,1));
Dd = diff(D1);
DataNew = reshape(Data, Dd(1), [], size(Data,2));
Angle = DataNew(:,:,1);
Height = DataNew(:,:,3);
Velocity = DataNew(:,:,4);
% Contour Plot
contourf(Angle, Height, Velocity)
Maybe someone has a clue to solve this issue.
With best regards
0 件のコメント
2024 年 9 月 20 日
T = readtable('');
[theta,rho,z] = cart2pol(T.(1),T.(2),T.(3));
x = linspace(min(theta),max(theta),500) ;
y = linspace(min(rho),max(rho),500) ;
z = T.(4) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) ;
Z = griddata(theta,rho,z,X,Y) ;
3 件のコメント
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