
Why is my model not converging with ode45 solver ?

6 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
ALOYS 2024 年 8 月 16 日
コメント済み: Sam Chak 2024 年 8 月 17 日
I am trying to simulate an electronical device that can be modeled by a mass-spring-damper system with an additional non-linear force. The equation at the equilibrium for the system is the following :
The goal of my MATLAB code is to solve this equation for $x$ and find the equilibrium. For this purpose, I use the `ode45` function like this (all coefficient are defined in my code but not shown here) :
x0 = 0;
[t, x] = ode45(@(t, x) odefun(t, x, eps0, a, V0, B, d0, K), tspan, x0);
function dxdt = odefun(t, x, eps, a, V, B, d0, K)
dxdt = ((eps * a * V^2) ./ (2 * B * (d0 - x).^2)) + ((K / B) .* x);
The equation is good according to my teachers and several papers but the solver never converges and I can't see why. All coefficient are defined according to the dimensions of a capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer. The solution of ode45 is the following :
This is obviously wrong because the dimensions of a cmut are bellow millimeter.
Can you see any mistakes in the way I use the ode45 solver ?
Full code :
e = 500e-9; % epaisseur [m]
r = 20e-6; % rayon [m]
d0 = 550e-9; % epaisseur de cavite [m]
a = pi * r^2; % surface de la membrane [m^2]
E = 200e9; % module d'Young du SiN [Pa]
nu = 0.25; % coefficient de poisson du SiN
eta = 18.5e-6; % viscosité dynamique de l'air [Pa.s]
p0 = 1e5; % pression exterieure [Pa]
rhoSiN = 3170; % densite du SiN [Kg/m^3]
m = rhoSiN * a * e; % masse membrane [Kg]
K = (16 * E * e^3) / (3 * (1 - nu^2) * r^2); % raideur [N/m]
B = (eta * pi * r^2) / e; % amortissement [N.s/m]
eps0 = 8.85e-12; % permittivité diélectrique du vide [F/m]
V0 = 10; % tension de polarisation [V]
% Conditions initiales et plage de temps
x0 = 0;
ti = 0; tf = 1e-3;
dt = 1e-6;
tspan = linspace(ti, tf, 1/dt);
% Résolution par RK4
[t, x] = ode45(@(t, x) odefun(t, x, eps0, a, V0, B, d0, K), tspan, x0);
function dxdt = odefun(t, x, eps, a, V, B, d0, K)
dxdt = ((eps * a * V^2) ./ (2 * B * (d0 - x).^2)) + ((K / B) .* x);
References :
- Y. Wang, L. -M. He, Z. Li, W. Xu and J. Ren, "A computationally efficient nonlinear dynamic model for cMUT based on COMSOL and MATLAB/Simulink"
- T. Merrien, A. Boulmé and D. Certon, "Lumped-Parameter Equivalent Circuit Modeling of CMUT Array Elements"
I tried several solver from MATLAB and implemented my own Runge-Kutta algorithm based on the Wikipedia example. I also verified the coefficients according to my references.


Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024 年 8 月 16 日
My guess is that if the coefficient is a positive value, then the system will be unstable.
  5 件のコメント
ALOYS 2024 年 8 月 17 日
編集済み: ALOYS 2024 年 8 月 17 日
You are right ! The sign on the K/B term was wrong. Now my model gives accurate predictions according to my tests on the real device. This will be the first part of my internship report.
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024 年 8 月 17 日
Hi @ALOYS, I'm glad it worked out. If you find the solution helpful, please consider clicking 'Accept' ✔ on the answer and voting 👍 for it. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Thank you, @William Rose.


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