Error using feval Function to evaluate must be represented as a string scalar, character vector, or function_handle object.
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
% Example5_5.m
% Solution to Example 5.5. This program calculates and plots
% the concentration of cell mass, concentration of penicillin,
% optimal temperature profile, and adjoint variable of a batch
% penicillin fermentor. It uses the function COLLOCATION to
% solve the set of system and adjoint equations.
% Input data
w = input(' Enter w''s as a vector : ');
y0 = input(' Vector of known initial conditions = ');
yf = input(' Vector of final conditions = ');
guess = input(' Vector of guessed initial conditions = ');
fname = input('\n M-file containing the set of differential equations : ');
fth = input(' M-file containing the necessary condition function : ');
n = input(' Number of internal collocation points = ');
rho = input(' Relaxation factor = ');
% Solution of the set of differential equations
[t,y] = collocation(fname,0,1,y0,yf,guess,n,rho,[],w,fth);
% Temperature changes
for k = 1:n+2
theta(k) = fzero(fth,30,options,y(:,k),w);
% Plotting the results
subplot(2,2,1), plot(t,y(1,:))
subplot(2,2,2), plot(t,y(2,:))
subplot(2,2,3), plot(t,y(3,:))
ylabel('First Adjoint')
subplot(2,2,4), plot(t,theta)
ylabel('Temperature (deg C)')
function f = Ex5_5_func(t,y,w,fth)
% Function Ex5_5_func.M
% This function introduces the set of ordinary differential
% equations used in Example 5.5.
% Temperature
theta = fzero(fth,30,options,y,w);
% Calculating the b's
b1 = w(1) * (1-w(2)*(theta-w(3))^2) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(3))^2);
if b1<0, b1=0; end
b2 = w(4) * (1-w(2)*(theta-w(3))^2) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(3))^2);
if b2<0, b2=1e-6; end
b3 = w(5) * (1-w(2)*(theta-w(6))^2) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(6))^2);
if b3<0, b3=0; end
% Evaluating the function values
f(1) = b1*y(1) - b1/b2*y(1)^2;
f(2) = b3*y(1);
f(3) = -b1*y(3) + 2*b1/b2*y(1)*y(3) - b3;
f = f'; % Make it a column vector
function ftheta = Ex5_5_theta(theta,y,w)
% Function Ex5_5_theta.M
% This function calculates the value of the necessary condition
% as a function of the temperature (theta). It is used in solving
% Example 5.5.
% Calculating the b's
b1 = w(1) * (1-w(2)*(theta-w(3))^2) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(3))^2);
db1 = w(1)*(-w(2))*2*(theta-w(3)) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(3))^2);
b2 = w(4) * (1-w(2)*(theta-w(3))^2) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(3))^2);
db2 = w(4)*(-w(2))*2*(theta-w(3)) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(3))^2);
b3 = w(5) * (1-w(2)*(theta-w(6))^2) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(6))^2);
db3 = w(5)*(-w(2))*2*(theta-w(6)) / (1-w(2)*(25-w(6))^2);
% The function
ftheta = y(3)*(y(1)*db1-y(1)^2*(db1*b2-db2*b1)/b2^2)+y(1)*db3;
function [x,y] = collocation(ODEfile,x0,xf,y0,yf,guess,n,rho,tol,varargin)
%COLLOCATION Solves a boundary value set of ordinary differential
% equations by the orthogonal collocation method.
% [X,Y]=COLLOCATION('F',X0,XF,Y0,YF,GAMMA,N) integrates the set of
% ordinary differential equations from X0 to XF by the Nth-degree
% orthogonal collocation method. The equations are contained in
% the M-file F.M. Y0, YF, and GAMMA are the vectors of initial
% conditions, final conditions, and starting guesses respectively.
% The function returns the independent variable in the vector X
% and the set of dependent variables in the matrix Y.
% uses relaxation factor RHO and tolerance TOL for convergence
% test. Additional parameters P1, P2, ... are passed directly to
% the function F. Pass an empty matrix for RHO or TOL to use the
% default value.
% See also SHOOTING
% (c) N. Mostoufi & A. Constantinides
% January 1, 1999
% Initialization
if nargin < 7 | isempty(n)
n = 1;
if nargin < 8 | isempty(rho)
rho = 1;
if nargin < 9 | isempty(tol)
tol = 1e-6;
y0 = (y0(:).')'; % Make sure it's a column vector
yf = (yf(:).')'; % Make sure it's a column vector
guess = (guess(:).')'; % Make sure it's a column vector
% Checking the number of guesses
if length(yf) ~= length(guess)
error(' The number of guessed conditions is not equal to the number of final conditions.')
r = length(y0); % Number of initial conditions
m = r + length(yf); % Number of boundary conditions
% Checking the number of equations
ftest = feval(ODEfile,x0,[y0 ; guess],varargin{:});
if length(ftest) ~= m
error(' The number of equations is not equal to the number of boundary conditions.')
fprintf('\n Integrating. Please wait.\n\n')
% Coefficients of the Legendre polynomial
for k = 0 : n/2
cl(2*k+1) = (-1)^k * gamma(2*n-2*k+1) / ...
(2^n * gamma(k+1) * gamma(n-k+1) * gamma(n-2*k+1));
if k < n/2
cl(2*k+2) = 0;
zl = roots(cl); % Roots of the Legendre polynomial
z = [-1; sort(zl); 1]; % Collocation points (z)
x = (xf-x0)*z/2+(xf+x0)/2; % Collocation points (x)
% Bulding the vector of starting values of the dependent variables
[p,q] = RK(ODEfile,x0,xf,(xf-x0)/20,[y0 ; guess],2,varargin{:});
for k = 1:m
y(k,:) = spline(p,q(k,:),x');
y(r+1:m,end) = yf(1:m-r);
% Building the matrix A
Q(:,1) = ones(n+2,1);
C(:,1) = zeros(n+2,1);
for i = 1:n+1
Q(:,i+1) = x.^i;
C(:,i+1) = i*x.^(i-1);
A = C*inv(Q);
for k = 1:m
k1 = (k-1)*(n+2)+1;
k2 = k1 + n+1;
Am(k1:k2,k1:k2) = A; % Building the matrix Am
Y(k1:k2) = y(k,:); % Building the vector Y
Y = Y'; % Make it a column vector
Y1 = Y * 1.1;
iter = 0;
maxiter = 100;
F = zeros(m*(n+2),1);
Fa = zeros(m*(n+2),1);
dY = zeros(m*(n+2),1);
position = []; % Collocation points excluding boundary conditions
for k = 1:m
if k <= r
position = [position, (k-1)*(n+2)+[2:n+2] ];
position = [position, (k-1)*(n+2)+[1:n+1] ];
% Newton's method
while max(abs(Y1 - Y)) > tol & iter < maxiter
iter = iter + 1;
fprintf(' Iteration %3d\n',iter)
Y1 = Y;
% Building the vector F
for k = 1:n+2
F(k : n+2 : (m-1)*(n+2)+k) = ...
feval(ODEfile,x(k),Y(k : n+2 : (m-1)*(n+2)+k),varargin{:});
fnk = Am * Y - F;
% Set dY for derivation
for k = 1:m*(n+1)
if Y(position(k)) ~= 0
dY(position(k)) = Y(position(k)) / 100;
dY(position(k)) = 0.01;
% Calculation of the Jacobian matrix
for k = 1:m
for kk = 1:n+1
a = Y;
nc = (k-1)*(n+1)+kk;
a(position(nc)) = Y(position(nc)) + dY(position(nc));
for kkk = 1:n+2
Fa(kkk : n+2 : (m-1)*(n+2)+kkk) = ...
fnka = Am * a - Fa;
jacob(:,nc) = (fnka(position) - fnk(position))...
/ dY(position(nc));
% Next approximation of the roots
if det(jacob) == 0
Y(position) = Y(position) + max([abs(dY(position)); 1.1*tol]);
Y(position) = Y(position) - rho * inv(jacob) * fnk(position);
% Rearranging the y's
for k = 1:m
k1 = (k-1)*(n+2)+1;
k2 = k1 + n+1;
y(k,:) = Y(k1:k2)';
x = x';
if iter >= maxiter
disp('Warning : Maximum iterations reached.')
5 件のコメント
回答 (1 件)
Steven Lord
2024 年 7 月 17 日
Run this command in your MATLAB Command Window. At the prompt, type the five characters bench and press Enter.
fname = input('\n M-file containing the set of differential equations : ')
Once the bench function has finished executing, note that your variable fname does not contain the text 'bench'. It is instead a 1-by-6 double array containing the output from that call to bench. If you want fname to contain the text 'bench' add 's' as the second input argument in your input call.
fname = input('\n M-file containing the set of differential equations : ', 's')
6 件のコメント
Steven Lord
2024 年 7 月 17 日
There's no function named RK in MATLAB, nor does it appear to be defined in the code you posted. You should ask whoever gave you the collocation.m file to give you that RK function. Given that this is (base on the copyright line) an over 25 year old file, it's possible they may not have it. In that case you may need to ask (or determine on your own) what that RK function does and the meaning of the input arguments and replace it.
Based on the name I'm guessing you could probably modify that call to be a call to one of the ODE solvers included in MATLAB, but it wouldn't be as simple as erasing the word RK and replacing it with the word ode45.
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