Changing a Drop Down component items via a string.

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
S. Hannan
S. Hannan 2024 年 5 月 16 日
コメント済み: S. Hannan 2024 年 5 月 16 日
Hi all,
I am making a GUI for my XML files. The problem is related to a Drop Down component. As shown in the picture:
In the last column (option) and second row, a 1x6 string exist. Here is ther problem. When I manually define a 1x6 string array using the code bellow:
B = ["Red","Yellow","Blue","Green"];
I can change component's items. But, when I use the bellow opcode:
An error emerges!
Anyway, my question is how it is possible to change my drop down menu items by the items included in the second row and last column?

回答 (1 件)

T.Nikhil kumar
T.Nikhil kumar 2024 年 5 月 16 日
Hello Hannan,
I understand that you want to change the items of a dropdown in your app with a string array present in another variable in your workspace.
I do not think there is a direct way to use a workspace variable as the dropdown items value.
I suggest you to try the following method for accessing the string array and assign the value as dropdown items.
1. Save the ‘inStruct’ variable in a ‘.mat’ file
save sampleFile inStruct
2. Now, define a startup function for the app, using the ‘StartupFcn’ callback for the app where you can load the required string array from this ‘.mat’ file and assign it to the dropdown’s items list.
fileContent = load('sampleFile.mat');
app.DropDown.Items =;
You can run the app and verify if you can see the items in the dropdown. In case the string array in the ‘inStruct’ variable is changed and you want to show the new string array as the dropdown’s items, you will have to save ‘inStruct’ again in ‘sampleFile.mat’ and then run the app.
Hope this helps you proceed with your work!
  3 件のコメント
T.Nikhil kumar
T.Nikhil kumar 2024 年 5 月 16 日
Can you show the part where you're getting inStruct into your code?
S. Hannan
S. Hannan 2024 年 5 月 16 日
[infile,location] = uigetfile('*.xml');
inStruct = readstruct(infile);



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