- Review and Adjust the Algebraic Constraint Method Settings:Given that the 6DOF (Quaternion) block relies on the algebraic constraint method, which is sensitive to the gain value settings across time step.
- Adjust Gain and Time Step: Fine-tune the gain settings and reduce the time step size around the step input to improve handling of sudden changes.
- Smooth the Input: Gradually transition the step input using a ramp or sigmoid function to reduce the simulation's computational strain.
- Optimize Solver Settings: Experiment with different solvers and adjust tolerances. A variable-step solver may better manage the abrupt input.
- Simplify the Model: Ensure the model's complexity is necessary for the simulation goals. Overcomplexity can slow down the response to step inputs.
Step input to 6DOF impacts performance
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
I am currently using a 6DOF block with the moment input being a sum of two signals. When one of these signals is a step input (i.e., going from zero to a nonzero value over a single timestep), the simulation slows down significantly; however, this only occurs for a moment about one axis and not about the other two axes. Are there any potential solutions for this?
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回答 (1 件)
Pooja Kumari
2024 年 5 月 8 日
Hi Thomas,
When you encounter a significant slowdown in your simulation due to a step input in one of the moment axes using a 6DOF block, it suggests that the simulation is having difficulty resolving the sudden change in conditions.
You can refer to the below documentation for more information on 6DOF:
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