I work with symbolic matrix objects, defined as symmatrix.
Unfortunatly, symmatrix is not compatible with as many functions as a symbolic scalar (sym). In my case i would like to apply normcdf or equivalently erf to a symmatrix matrix (as an elementwise operation, like it could be done with a double matrix). This cant be done.
ans =
ans =
Y = symmatrix('Y',[2,1]);
Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function erf.
I am wondering if there is a workaround via an abstract function. I thought maybe symfunmatrix helps, but I couldnt get it to do what I want.
Importantly, I dont want any conversion to sym, because I want to later use the resulting matrix expressions for numeric evaluation for arbitrary n. Conversion to sym would turn matrix expressions into element by element operatons and make the numeric evaluation slow.