- Even though your simulink block is designed to output number between 1 and 9, ensure that the output is indeed an integer. Sometimes, due to floating-point arithmetic or block configuration, the output might not be exactly an integer even if it visually appears to be so. You might need to use a rounding or floor/ceiling block to ensure the output is an integer.
- Add a saturation block or a boundary check in your Simulink model to strictly enforce the output to be within the 1 to 9 range. This ensures that even if the calculations produce a value slightly outside this range, it's corrected before being passed as an observation.
Error Training Q-Learning agent with Simulink Model
16 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I am trying to train a Q-Learning agent on a Simulink Model "QLearnModel" with the following script called "Q_Gym":
states = [1:1:9];
actions = [-5:1:5];
observationInfo = rlFiniteSetSpec(states, "Name", "States");
actionInfo = rlFiniteSetSpec(actions, "Name", "Actions");
Q = rlTable(observationInfo, actionInfo);
critic = rlQValueFunction(Q,observationInfo,actionInfo);
agentOptions = rlQAgentOptions("SampleTime", 0.05);
agent = rlQAgent(critic,agentOptions);
environment = rlSimulinkEnv("QLearnModel","QLearnModel/RL Agent", observationInfo, actionInfo);
traininingOptions = rlTrainingOptions();
trainingStats = train(agent,environment,traininingOptions);
and when I run it this huge error list is thrown where "Error using rl.util.rlFiniteSetSpec/getElementIndex: Invalid data specified. The data must be an element of the rlFiniteSetSpec" is the most verbose one.
Error using rl.train.SeriesTrainer/run
There was an error executing the ProcessExperienceFcn for block
"QLearnModel/RL Agent".
Caused by:
Error using rl.function.AbstractFunction/gradient
Unable to compute gradient from function model.
Error in rl.agent.rlQAgent/learn_ (line 230)
[CriticGradient, gradInfo] =
Error in rl.agent.AbstractAgent/learn (line 29)
this = learn_(this,experience);
Error in rl.util.agentProcessStepExperience (line 6)
Error in
(line 31)
[this.Policy_,this.Data_] = feval(this.Fcn_,...
Error in
(line 139)
Error in
(line 78)
stopsim =
Error in rl.simulink.blocks.PolicyProcessExperience/stepImpl (line
stopsim =
Error in Simulink.Simulation.internal.DesktopSimHelper
Error in Simulink.Simulation.internal.DesktopSimHelper.sim
Error in Simulink.SimulationInput/sim
Error in rl.env.internal.SimulinkSimulator>localSim (line 259)
simout = sim(in);
Error in
rl.env.internal.SimulinkSimulator>@(in)localSim(in,simPkg) (line
simfcn = @(in) localSim(in,simPkg);
Error in MultiSim.internal.runSingleSim
Error in
Error in MultiSim.internal.SimulationRunnerSerial/executeImpl
Error in Simulink.SimulationManager/executeSims
Error in Simulink.SimulationManagerEngine/executeSims
Error in rl.env.internal.SimulinkSimulator/simInternal_ (line 172)
simInfo =
Error in rl.env.internal.SimulinkSimulator/sim_ (line 78)
out = simInternal_(this,simPkg);
Error in rl.env.internal.AbstractSimulator/sim (line 30)
out =
Error in rl.env.AbstractEnv/runEpisode (line 144)
out =
Error in rl.train.SeriesTrainer/run (line 64)
out = runEpisode(...
Error in rl.train.TrainingManager/train (line 516)
Error in rl.train.TrainingManager/run (line 253)
Error in rl.agent.AbstractAgent/train (line 187)
trainingResult = run(trainMgr,checkpoint);
Error in Q_Gym (line 20)
trainingStats = train(agent,environment,traininingOptions);
Caused by:
Error using rl.util.rlFiniteSetSpec/getElementIndex
Invalid data specified. The data must be an element of the
Error in rl.train.TrainingManager/train (line 516)
Error in rl.train.TrainingManager/run (line 253)
Error in rl.agent.AbstractAgent/train (line 187)
trainingResult = run(trainMgr,checkpoint);
Error in Q_Gym (line 20)
trainingStats = train(agent,environment,traininingOptions);
It seems that the "observed observation" is not an element of rlFiniteSetSpec which is the vector defined in the script as:
states = [1:1:9];
What generates the observation is the following Simulink Block that outputs a number between 1 and 9 based on the realisation of two other variables:

I don't understand how the observation could not be in the defined set.
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回答 (1 件)
2024 年 3 月 14 日
Hi Pietro,
Looking at the issue hand, I think that the issue might stem from how the observation is being generated or interpreted rather than the setup of your states and actions. To further investigate this, I recommend focusing on the following specific areas:
A general debugging suggestion: Try to isolate the issue, you can insert, "To Workspace" Block in Simulink to monitor the output of the observation-generating block directly. This allows you to see exactly what values are being produced at each simulation step. Look for any values that are not integers or are outside the 1 to 9 range.
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